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Louis POV:

The sound of screams fill my ears as I enter my home after my walk home from school. I sigh, not surprised. I don't understand why my parents don't just get a divorce already, they are making everyone miserable by staying together.

I walk up the stairs and slip into my room not looking to get into the middle of one of my parents arguments. I plop onto my bed and take out my homework. I try to the best of my ability to tune out the screaming from downstairs, but I failed. I couldn't even finish one assignment without getting distracted. I close my work realizing that I wasn't going to be getting any of my work done with all of this screaming.

I came to school 30 minutes early to hopefully explain to my teachers that I couldn't complete my work for today. I told all of them that I would have it done by tomorrow and they all said it was alright.

I currently am walking to Mr.Styles room to explain that I didn't get to do my work. I was very nervous because I knew he would ask questions that I didn't want to answer. I was stressed out enough as is and I didn't need anymore stress.

I knock on the door and slowly open it to see Mr.Styles looking up from his paper to see who was at the door. Once he saw me he gave me a big smile showing off his dimples.

"Louis! Good to see you, what can I help you with?" he asks. I give him a small grin before slipping into the room and responding.

"Hey Mr.styles um... I just came to tell you that I couldn't finish the homework for today and i'm sorry but I will get it to you tomorrow if thats okay. It was just really hard to focus at my house". I said that last part without really thinking and I looked up a little nervous.

Mr.Styles smiles at me

"It's alright Louis don't worry too much about it. I will let you off the hook if you tell me why you couldn't focus to home." He says.

I hesitate wondering if I should just tell him, i'm sure he would understand and say it was okay...I think. Also this way I won't fail the homework assignment.

"Um well.. I g-guess my parents are kind of always fighting and Its just hard to get anything done with the constant screaming". I tell him while playing with my hands nervously in my lap.

Mr. Styles looks at my softly. I really just realized how attractive Mr.styles was.

"Oh Louis... I'm so sorry that thats happening to you at home, I know how much it sucks, my parents used to fight a lot to". He paused and starred at me," you know what Louis, why don't you stay here after school sometimes and get your work down here, I'm here every day after school". he says

I look up at him, "Really? you would do that?" I ask and he chuckles

"Of course I would Lou" I blush at the nickname.

"Thank you so much Mr.styles" I exclaim very happy that I may actually be able to get something done instead to hearing my parents screaming 24/7.

"Its really no problem Louis, I enjoy having you around anyways" he smiles at me, I smile back.

"I appreciate you telling me what is happening Louis, I will always be here if you need me." He says empathetically. I thank Him before going to my seat to start some of my work.

Just then people start rushing into the classroom because english was starting in a few minutes. Soon Mr.styles starts to talk to the class about the current lesson. He would look my way every so often, I would blush and look down every time he did.


Niall and I are currently sitting down at a table towards the back of the lunchroom, Niall is going on and on about his latest hook up. I was spaced out mostly just thinking out how kind Mr.styles was to me today.

He was one of the teachers watching the lunchroom today, I kept glancing at him just so i could see him, he was talking to Mr. Payne my math teacher. I guess they are friends.

I stare at them wondering what they where talking about. suddenly Mr.styles looks back at me and catches me staring at him, I look at Niall embarrassed who just laughs at me when he sees that I am as red as a tomato. I see Mr. styles chuckle at my reaction, then he gets back to his conversation.

"What happened?" Niall asks me.

I quickly thought of a lie. " uhh It's just really hot in here". I respond Nice louis really believable I think to myself.

Niall just laughs and goes back to telling his story.

After school-

I start to make my way to mr.styles classroom to get my work done. I walk into the classroom to see mr.styles who was grading papers.

"Hello lou" he greats me.

"Hey Mr.styles, thanks again for doing this, you have no clue how much this will help". I respond.

"Yeah, of course stay as long as you need, and ask me if you have any questions with any of your homework I am happy to help." He says and I thank him and then sit at a desk a few seats away from his desk.

About 25 minutes later I am working on my english homework and I am very confused of how I am supposed to do the work. Mr.styes clearly notices me being confused and walks over to me and sits next to me.

"Need some help"? he asks in his sweet low voice. I nod slowly. slightly flustered by how close to me he was.

"Uh yeah... would you mind telling me how to do this". I ask he nods then shows me what I am supposed to do.

After a few failed attempts at the work I start to get a little frustrated.

"You are going to understand soon Lou I promise you are doing a great job". He reassure me.

I sigh before responding.

" Really because I feel like I am no where close to understanding". He laughs and pats my back before explaining it one more time. As he pats my back I get butterflies and try to stop myself from blushing.

Once I finally understand it I cheer happy that I wont have to get it explained to me again, even though I do enjoy listening to Mr. Styles speak.

"See I knew you could do it lou!" he cheers before heading back to his desk.

Once I finish my work I start to pack up my thing and I stand up.

" Thank you so much mr.styles I will see you tomorrow". I say before looking at him waiting for a response.

"Of course lou it was fun. Also when we aren't in actual school you can call me harry".

I smirk a little bit before responding

" Okay then, bye Mr.Styles". He chuckles before responding,"goodbye mr. Tomlinson". I smile and wave before walking out of his room.

Thank You Mr.StylesWhere stories live. Discover now