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The school day so far has been pretty boring. I had some math test and in physics the teacher just talked for what felt like 70 years about stuff I didn't even understand.

I'm now walking to the cafeteria. I usually eat with Harry in his room but it's his day to watch the lunch room so I had to eat in there.

I'm a little nervous about eating in the lunch room just because of what has happened there in the past, but still no one has seen Nick since what happened and his friends don't usually do anything to me unless he is there so I guess I will be fine.

I walk over to where Niall was sitting and just sit in the chair closest to him.

"Sup dude." Niall says pulling me into a quick hug.

"Hey Ni." I say back smiling.

Niall and I continue to talk for a little while and I start to need to use the restroom, so I look around for Harry or some other teacher so I can ask to go to the bathroom.

But my heart shattered at what I saw instead.

There is some other high school teacher kissing Harry's check and him just smiling at her not saying to stop or anything. He was just laughing and flirting with her.

How could he do this? I thought he loved me? But then again who would want to love me, I'm just some fat ugly loser kid. Why would Harry want to be with me anyways.

Tears well in my eyes and Niall looks at me worried.

"Lou what's wrong?" He asks.

I just signal over to Harry and the other teacher and he immediately understands and I see rage in his eyes.

"He's dead." Niall says before trying to stand up but I pull him back to his seat before he can.

"No Ni please don't." I says and he contemplates his options for a few seconds before he calms down and stays at his seat.

"What am I going to do Ni? I live with him and I have no where else to go. I can't go back to my parents." I say starting to actually cry now.

Thankfully everyone was to caught up in their lunch to notice me getting upset, Harry being one of those people.

Niall then pulls me into a hug as he rubs my back to calm me.

"Louis you can stay with me, I'm sure my parents will completely understand so you can stay for however long you want to." He tells me in a happier voice.

"Thanks Niall I love you." I tell him.

Niall has always been there for me. When my parents are fighting or if someone was making fun of me or if I was just upset and needed a friend, Niall never failed to be there for me.

"I love you to mate." He tells me.

I look over at Harry again to see if he had even noticed the fact that I was upset but no he was still just smiling and laughing with the girl.

"C-can we go Niall?" I ask him trying to get the sentence out.

I have Harry's class next and I don't think I can look at him for two seconds without breaking down.

"Of course Lou, I'll drive us home. Do you want to stop at Harry's to grab some of your stuff?" He asks me.

"Can we do it another day? I don't think I'm going to be able to just go and take all my stuff out of our place." I say getting more upset think about not living with Harry anymore.

"Yeah of course we can go whenever you feel ready or if you don't want to go at all you can just use my clothes until you get new ones." Niall tells me patting my back.

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