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Louis POV:

I wake up for the second time tonight, this time to someone yelling.

"LOUIS? Where the hell are you kid." The mystery voice yells.

For a second I think that is must be Harry because he is the only one here but I realize that I am sleeping on top of Harry and that persons voice sounds nothing like Harry's.

Who the hell is that voice and why are they yelling for me.

"Harry Harry Harry" I say shaking Harry to wake him up.

Harry's eyes then shoot open his face was a mixture of confusion and concern.

"W-what what happened?" Harry asks flustered. Grabbing me and pulling me tighter when he sees my distressed state.

"Harry there is someone yelling for me outside of the house." I tell him and his face turns to pure rage.

"Okay baby I need you to go upstairs and lock yourself in our closet and don't open the door for anyone besides me and I'm going to see who it is." He tells me as he stands up holding me.

Oh hell no I am not letting my hazzy get hurt.

"No no no I don't want you to go." I tell him and he coos at me.

"Don't worry little one nothing is going to happen." He tells me but I just shake my head.

"I'm scared hazzy" I tell him.

"I know sweetheart but I will never let anything happen to you." He tells me.

"O-okay I'll go." I tell him and then he picks me up and carries me over to the stairs and sets me down.

The yelling continues getting louder and closer to the house as I run up the stairs.

Once I get to our room I lock the door but don't go to the closet, I go to the window and look out to see what is happening.

Once I get to the window I see my dad who seemed very very very drunk stumbling up our walk way.

What the HELL how does he know where I live? The only people who know that Harry and I live together is Liam and Niall and I don't think any of them talk to my dad.

I watch terrified out the window when I see Harry walking down the walkway and coming towards the house.

I crack the window open so I can hear what they are saying.

"Who the hell are you?!" My dad asks Harry.

"I think I should be the one asking you that buddy." Harry says before pushing my dad onto the ground.

Harry was a lot taller and seemingly stronger then my dad so this is leaving my dad looking very scared of Harry.

"Where is the idiot?" My dad asks me I see Harry's hands go into a fist.

"I don't know what the fuck you think that you are talking about but you need to get off of my property immediately." Harry tells my dad looking scary.

"I'm not leaving without Louis. I miss my punching bag." My father tells Harry and that seems to send him over the edge and Harry suddenly jumps onto my dad and starts throwing punches his way.

No no no no no. Why would Harry do that. He is going to get hurt.

My dad starts throwing weaker punches back but still manages to get a few hits in at Harry.

This is freaking me out and I want to go help Harry but if I go out there then my dad will know that I am actually here.

So I call the only person I could call without it resulting terribly. Liam.

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