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Louis POV:

I have been going to Harry's classroom everyday after school for the past two weeks to do my homework. We have sort of in a way grown to become friends. He has actually helped me get all my homework done on time for the past two weeks. I'm thankful he has let me use his classroom because the fighting at home has just gotten worse.

Harry for the past few days has been helping me study for my big math test that was today. He assured my that I would do great and I hoped he was right because this test was worth like half of my grade.

I walked downstairs getting ready to leave the house to go to school when I see my dad who is sitting on the couch drinking... at 7:00 in the morning.

"Louis come here" my dad calls out to be

"I'm going to be late dad". I yell back. He looks at me before talking again

"Okay well come home right after school". He slurs out.

"I have to go to tutoring after school dad". I tell him nervously. He gets a little mad before yelling back.

"I don't fucking care i'm your father and if I say to come home after school you come home!" He says, suddenly snapping at me. I nod quickly before I rush out the door. I guess I would just have to tell Harry that I wouldn't be able to come to his class after school. Im sure he would understand, even though I did really need to do my work and not just stay at home and listen to yelling.

I kept thinking about what I was going to do the whole walk to school. As I walk into school I see Niall standing talking to Harry.

Once Niall sees me he smiles and walks over to hug me

"Louissssssssss!" Niall yells in my ear and I laugh as he does.

"Hi Neil" I respond " I feel like I haven't seen you in ages" I complain.

"Niall pulls back from the hug and laughs

"Louis we hung out yesterday". he explains

"Too long ago" I snap back sassily.

Just then Har- I mean Mr.styles walks over to me.

"Hello there Louis" he says.

"Good morning Mr.styles" I smile back. My small falls when I realize I have to tell him I won't be able to come after school.

"Uh Mr.styles?" he looks up at me

"Yeah  Lou?" he responds.

"Um I won't be able to come bye after school my parents need me at home for some reason" I say in a disappointed voice. Harry looks at me slightly sad but he covers it up with a smile

"Thats alright louis, will you be able to come tomorrow?" He asks in a hopeful voice.

"Yeah I should be" I respond.

"Good okay well good luck with your math test today i'm sure you will do amazing". My heart flutters at the fact that he remembered that I had a test this afternoon.

"Thank you, I'll see you in english" I say before walking off to my first period class.

Right before last period-

I am nervously walking towards the math room getting ready to take my test. I am scared as hell, even though harry and I studied all week, I have never been good at math or taking tests. And this one is important and I need a good grade on it.

"Good afternoon Louis". Mr. Payne greats in a cheery voice. I am to nervous to say anything back so i just give him a small small and walk over to my desk with my head down.

Soon Mr.Payne hands out the test and everyone starts working. "good luck everyone" Mr Payne says before sitting back down at his desk.

As soon as I look at the test I start to panic a bit, It is a lot longer then I thought it was going to be and we only had 45 minutes to finish. I start the first question and I am already confused. I feel like I have forgotten everything I have ever learned in math.

I look up at the clock and see ten minutes had already gone by and I hadn't even finished the first question. I looked at the question again and it seemed to make less and less sense the more I looked at it.

Once I got through the first three questions I looked up at the clock to see that thirty minutes had already gone by and I wasn't even half way done. I was going to fail. I couldn't fail this then my parents would literally disown me. I seriously start to panic, My breathing started to pick up as I got more nervous. Suddenly I felt like I couldn't breath, like someone was sitting on me or something. I tried to control my breath but that only seemed to make it worse. I think I am having a panic attack. I should probably go to the bathroom and try to calm down but then I would have even less time to finish.

Just then Harry walks in and walks over to Mr.Payne handing him a piece of paper. I try to focus on my test but I feel like I can't breath. I think my attempts at breathing where starting to become loud because Harry looked up from talking to Mr.Payne and looked at me. His face dropped when he saw that I was freaking out. He walked other to me rather fast and crouched next to my desk and put his hand on my arm.

"Louis?" I don't reply because I didn't know what to say.

" Louis what's wrong buddy? Are you okay?" I shake my head quickly still looking at my test. Harry looks at me concerned

"Okay lou, I think you may be having a panic attack, come with me." He says in a loving voice and then tries to get me to stand up and leave the classroom. I freak out even more because I needed to work on my test.

" I-I-i n-need to f-finish my t-test" I stutter out. Harry runs over to Mr.Payne and tells him something i'm not sure what though.

Harry runs back over to me "Okay lou, I need you to come with me Mr.Payne understands and will let you finish you test later". He whispers while getting me to stand up.

As soon as we leave Mr.Paynes classroom Tears start rushing down my checks. Harry helps me walk quickly to his classroom. As soon as we enter his room harry sits me on a chair and he sits right next to me with his hand on my lower back.

"You need to breath lou, just follow my breath". He says in a comforting tone. I try to copy his breath but I can't really hear his breath.

"I c-can't-t" I breath out. Just then harry softly grabs my head and puts it against his chest.

"Just listen to my heart beat lou. Just breath for my. Please. Breath." he pleated. He rubbed circles on my back as I tried my best to follow his breath.

Slowly but surly my breath started to slow down and my tears started to stop flowing so fast. Harry wiped the last few tears off with the pad of his thumb.

"There you go lou good job". He whispered softly into my ear. I slowly started to fall asleep feeling more and more relaxed as my head was on his chest and he continued to rub circles on my lower back. My breathing at this point was back to normal just a few sniffles every now and then. A few minutes later I find myself drifting totally asleep on harry's chest.

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