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Louis POV:

I have now been out of the hospital for almost three weeks now, Harry has been babying me ever since I have come home. For the first week I was home he carried me everywhere because he said it was to dangerous to walk, not that I am complaining though.

The second week back Harry let me go back to school as long as I promised to be careful. Even though at school he watches me like a hawk.

But right now i'm walking towards Harry's class because english is my last class of the day.

I also have a one of the worst headaches ever and Niall and I also got into a fight today about me eating lunch. Then worst of all Nick is back, he hasn't done anything to me yet but I know it will happen soon. So you could just say that i'm not having the best day.

I walk into Harry's room and I don't even look for him I just walk to my desk and grab some advil out of my bag and take two.

I place my head down on the desk and try to stop myself from crying from the pain.

I wasn't really listening to Harry teaching but I did hear him say 'Now just work on your own' so I assumed that everyone was just writing some essay. Maybe no one would bother me and just let my headache go away.

" Lou whats wrong?" I hear Harry whisper to me quite enough so no one could hear.

I just keep my head on the desk not wanting to look up.

" I h-have a h-headache." I say and it's clear in my voice that i'm upset.

I can feel Harry's worry without even looking at him.

" Do you maybe want to go to the nurse? She has a bed in there and will let you sleep and then I can come get you when it's time to go home." Harry asks softly.

I just nod my head before standing up and I go to grab my backpack but Harry beat me to it. He picks up the bag and walks with me to the door before handing me the bag.

"I'll get you after class, I love you sweetheart." Harry whispers and I whisper back a little ' i love you too' before walking away.

I get about half way to the nurse when I start to feel dizzy and nausues.

I quickly walk to the bathroom and rush into a stall and throw up.

I sit on the floor of the stall for a little bit until I hear the main door of the bathroom open up.

For some reason I hoped and thought that it would be Harry and he some how knew what happened so I walked out of the stall to be greeted with the unhappy surprise that is Nick.

"Oh hey Louis." Nick says

Uhhhh he never calls me by my name he always calls me 'loser' or 'fat ass' or something like that. I assume that he is just acting this way because he doesn't want to get in trouble again.

" Um hi Nick." I say back sounding very very confused.

I look up at Nick still confused when he suddenly pins me up against the bathroom wall.

"Nick what are you doing!?" I ask

He then starts kissing my neck harshly

" listen Louis I know you want this" he says to me as I try to push him off.

" No Nick stop get off of me" I say but he just doesn't stop.

He then moves his hand down to my pants and shoves his hand into my underwear and starts feeling me. I feel so violated.

" stop stop stop Nick no get off" I says but he just keeps going.

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