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Louis POV:

I open my eyes preparing myself for pain but once my eyes open I'm shocked.

It's Harry.

Everything happens so quickly, I don't even have time to talk or even think about how he is here or why he is here or what is happening because Harry pulls me off of the toilet and picks me up and starts running with me in his arms without saying a single word.

Once we get to the bathroom door he locks eyes with me and brings his finger up to his lips signaling for me to be quiet and I continue to oblige.

I don't even nod for a response I'm too terrified and confused to function properly.

The door was still kicked down from when Harry broke in.

Harry pops his head out of the bathroom and looks both ways in the hallway before he starts running again. This time a lot faster.

He sprints to his classroom and locks the door behind us.

I look around the classroom expecting to see the class crunched up in the corner but I'm met with no one, just a big empty classroom.

Wait what? How is no one here? Harry is supposed to be watching the entire class and they just aren't here.

Harry and I are still yet to even say a word.

He keeps me in his arms as he carries me over to his desk and we get under the desk still silent.

The yelling and screaming is still passing through the school. Most of the yelling is hard to make out but it's very clearly Nicks voice.

The next twenty minutes between me and Harry is still silent and soon Nicks yelling and peoples screaming slowly subsided.

While under the desk Harry keeps me in his lap and rubs my back. Be both just keep our eyes on the door hoping for it to not open.

A few minutes later the beep of the intercom rings through the classroom.

"The lockdown has been lifted I repeat the lockdown has been lifted everyone move to the auditorium." The intercom says.

Harry and I just look at each other scared to leave from how we are but slowly soon enough we stand up from under the desk and start our walk to the auditorium. Still silent.

The hallways are full yet silent. Everyone is still shook from what just happened.

When we reach the auditorium it's full of student and facility everyone whispering to their friends.

I migrate over to where the students are sitting and Harry goes and stands with the teachers.

I sit next to Niall who pulls me into a tight hug once he sees me.

"Are you okay?" He asks me and I nod.

He then pulls away from the hug and takes his hands and puts one on each side of my face and checks over my facing looking at me worried.

"I was so worried when they called the lockdown and you were still in the bathroom and then when Harry told me it was Nick who broke into campus... oh my god Louis I was so scared that something was going to happen to you." Niall tells me but I just nod again.

I don't want to talk. I probably would have died in that bathroom if Harry hadn't saved me. My life could have ended so it's fair to say I'm a little too nervous and scared to talk.

Niall understood the unsaid and didn't force me to talk about it he just pulled me into another tight hug and we watch the stage waiting for someone to start talking.

Thank You Mr.StylesWhere stories live. Discover now