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Louis Pov:

I am currently am walking down the hall towards the principal's office. I was called out of my science class a few minutes ago by the intercom saying that I was needed in the office.

When I enter the office I see Nick, Harry, Mr.Payne and Mr. Cowel sitting down with serious looks on their faces. They all turn to me when they hear the door open.

All three teachers look at my sympatheticly while Nick looks about ready to kill someone.

" Have a seat please Louis." Mr. Cowel says and I take a seat in between Harry and Mr.Payne.

I'm pretty sure that this was going to be about all the shit that Nick have done to me for the past few years so I am not too nervous.

"We just have a few questions for you kiddo and then you can get back to class." Mr.Payne said and I just nodded.

" So Louis I have been told by both Mr.Styles and Mr.Payne that they have seen you get hurt my Nick, is this true?" He asks

I look at Nick who is fuming at the question.

" Um... yeah h-he hurts me a lot." I tell Mr. Cowel and he just looks at me with a sad look.

" How does he hurt you buddy?" Mr.Payne asks me.

" well usually him and his friends will just kick and punch me a bunch until I pass out or until someone stops them." I tell him and Mr. Cowel gasps.

" Why have you never come to me before about this Louis." He asks sounding upset with himself.

" uh well Nick told me if I ever told anybody he would kill me." I tell them and they all just gasp.

" Mr.Grimshaw is all this true?" Mr. Cowel asks him

" No it's not sir, i-i swear that he is lying I have never hurt him before in m-my l-life." Nick tells him lying.

" Well Nick then why do both of these teachers say that they have seen you do it?" He asks him clearly not believing his bullshit lies.

" They just don't like me Sir." He says and Harry laughs.

" you're right Nick I don't like you BECAUSE you seem to like to bully other students." Harry says and Nick just huffs and sits deeper in his chair.

" Alright Nick you are going to be suspended for the next three weeks and when you return you will have zero classes with Louis and I will be making sure that you will be seen no where near him and if I hear that you hurt him again you will never be seen at this school again. And consider yourself lucky that I have not expelled you already, Now get off school property." He says to Nick in a harsh tone.

Nick just nods and runs out of his office.

" Louis i'm so sorry kid. I didn't know that this was happening to you but I promise you that he will never be hurting you again." Mr.Cowel tells me and I just nod not really wanting to talk about it anymore.

I thank him before leaving the office and heading back to class not even waiting for Harry or Mr.Payne. Even though we got good news in this meeting I still am not in the best mood after hearing that Nick would be coming back in a few weeks.

The day goes by slowly and once the last bell rang I left school. I texted Harry telling him that I had to go home and I couldn't come over to his place today.

He said that it was okay and that he would call me later.

I jog home wanting to get to my room and take a nap as fast as I could.

When I walk into the house I see my father standing right next to the door looking very very very mad.

" Louis." He says

Thank You Mr.StylesWhere stories live. Discover now