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Louis Pov:

It is later in the night and right now everyone was sitting around a campfire listening to some scary story that Mr.Payne was telling us.

No one seemed to be scared by the story at all ,except for me, I am terrified. The story is about this ghost that haunts the camp that we are at right now and it sounds like a real story.

Harry is sitting with all the other teachers behind Mr.Payne. He is really just looking at me and not listening to Mr.Paynes story.

I am sitting next to Niall on one side and some girl who I have never met is on my other side.

Mr.Payne gets to a really scary scary part of the story and I sorta jump into Nialls arms seeking comfort from someone.

Niall just laughs at me and wraps his arms around me and pats my back softly.

As the story goes on I get more and more scared. This just leads to me cuddling deeper into Niall.

Once the story is over I lift my head up a little bit to see what was going on around me.

I look around for a little before my eyes are met with a very jealous looking Harry.

I get very very confused of why he is looking at me so jealous and then I remember that I am cuddling my very straight best friend Niall.

I laugh a little bit at the fact that Harry is jealous of Niall. Niall and I have always been close, but never anything more then friendship Niall is only into girls and I am only into Harry.

I wanted to get off of Niall and go talk to Harry but I really couldn't because first of all I am WAY too scared to get up right now and also Harry looks so hot when he's jealous.

I thought I would have a little bit of fun with his jealously so I get fully into Nialls lap and snuggle into him more.

Niall doesn't mind because he knows i'm scared and cuddling was actually a pretty normal activity for us. As friends of course.

Harry is fuming, he looks just about ready to kill Niall but Niall hasn't even noticed.

" alright everybody back to your cabins. Lights out in 20." Mr.Payne tells us and students start getting up and going back to their cabins.

" Louis are you okay?" Niall asks and I just shake my head still scared shitless even though I was having fun making Harry jealous.

" Want me to carry you back to the cabin?" Niall asks.

" Yes please." I say 

Niall just stands up with me in his arms like I weight nothing. 

I rest my head on his shoulder and look up and see Harry walking about five feet behind us watching Niall like a hawk.

I start to get sleepy and start falling asleep on Niall.

I don't fully fall asleep but I close my eyes and wait to get into the cabin.

Once we do get to the cabin we go inside and Niall walks over to my bed and tries to set me down but I just cling to him still scared by the story.

" It's alright Louis, it was just a story. Nothing is going to hurt you." Niall says as he sits down with me still on him.

" What if there really is a ghost?" I ask and I know Harry is listening to what we were talking about because he was just standing at the end of my bed.

" There isn't Lou, I promise." Niall tells me and I just nod and slowly let go of him and Niall lays me down in my bed and then walks to his.

I notice Harry is still just standing at the end of my bed looking at Niall with rage.

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