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"Alright I will be handing back your essays now class." Harry tells us as he starts walking around each desk handing each student their graded essay.

Niall and I have not payed the slightest bit of attention this entire class period and Harry is getting visibly irritated.

Niall then tells me some joke that he made up and we start cracking up extremely loud.

What can I say it was a good joke.

I look over at Harry who has stopped handing out papers but was now looking pissed and started walking over to us.

"Boys please." He tells us trying to keep his cool.

"Sorry mr.styles" I say and he just chuckles softly at me calling him that.

"Yeah sure you are but just pay attention class is almost over anyways." He tells us and we just nod.

We do our best to pay attention for the next few minutes when the intercom suddenly goes off.

"Mr.styles?" The office lady's voice comes over the intercom.

"Yes?" He responds.

"Can I have Louis Tomlinson to the office please." She says.

Why do they want me? Do they know about me and Harry? Am I in trouble?

My breathing starts to pick up slightly and Harry notices the state I'm in and sends me a calming glance.

"May I ask what for?" He asks the lady on the intercom.

"His parents are here to pick him up they say they need him home ASAP." She says and I freak out even more.

"Uh..." Harry starts to respond. I can tell he is confused on what to say, There is no chance that he is going to let me go anywhere near my parents after what my dad did but he can't tell the story of what they did and how I am staying with him yet.

I legally don't have to stay with them anymore because I am over 18 but for all the school knows I am still staying with them and all is well.

At this point I was almost in a full panic attack and it started to feel like I couldn't even breath.

I ran out of the classroom and went to the bathroom. I don't need everyone to see me having a panic attack I know I'm already going to get questions about why I wasn't going to the office.

Once I get into the bathroom I lock myself in a stall. Thankfully there is no one else in the bathroom.

I sit on the floor and bring my knees up to my head and just curl up in a little ball.

I'm trying to do the breathing exercises that Harry taught me but none of them are working which just led me to panic more making my breathing problem worse.

Soon enough my vision starts to get blurry and I am sight is overcome by darkness.

Harry's POV:

Once Louis ran out of the classroom I was about to run after him when I realized that I have to deal with the office and Louis parents first before I could go help him.

Hopefully he is okay he seemed to be panicking a little bit before he left.

I'm really tempted to go help him but it will just cause a bigger problem if I run out of the class too.

I walk over to the phone on the wall that connects to the office.

"Mr.styles is Louis coming?" She asks.

"Uh well Louis says he doesn't want to go and he's 18 so I don't think he had to." I tell her hoping for no further questions I need to check on my baby.

Thank You Mr.StylesWhere stories live. Discover now