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Harrys POV:

I pull away from Louis house and start to drive back to my place, all I could think about was Louis. Louis. Louis. I swear he never leaves my mind and I was just with him two seconds ago. But who could blame me Louis is so perfect and tiny. 

I drive for about five minutes before pulling into my drive way and realize that there was another car there. The car looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on who it belonged to. I walked over to the car not really nervous because I know I could defend myself if I needed to see him

As I walk up to the window I see Liam sitting in the front seat of the car. Looking down at his lap with tears in his eyes. 

I met Liam when I started teaching at the school, he showed me around and told me all about each student and teacher, so we have been great buds ever since. I really have seen him so upset before and it was very worrying to see him like this.

" Li? Whats wrong?" I ask as I get in to the passenger seat of the car.

Liam looks at me tears still in his " My girlfriend dumped me and I didn't know where to go and I wasn't sure if yo-." He starts sobbing in the middle of his sentence. 

I just pull him into a hug and tell him it would be alright.

I bring him inside to my place after a few minutes, I let him know he could crash on my couch until he had a new place to stay.

He told me that he just needed a place to stay for the night because he was planing on moving in with one of his other buddies tomorrow he just needed a place to stay for the night.

Liam and I just hung out until he started to get sleepy so I set him up a make shift bed on the couch.

" Hey Harry do you think I could borrow your phone real quick to call my friend? I left my phone at my place." He asks me and I just hand Him my phone and head in to the other room so he could have some privacy.

" Um harry?" He calls out to me a few minutes later.

" Yeah?" I call back starting to walk back to the living room assuming he just finished the call or something.

" who do you have saved in you phone as baby and whoever they are, they are calling you" He tells me looking slightly confused.

SHIT. Thats Louis calling me and Liam doesn't even know I have a boyfriend none the less that it's Louis. I can't tell him it's Louis, I mean sure I trust him and all but this is something that my life could get really fucked up if anyone found out. I had to come up with some kind of cover up.

" Ummm it's my boyfriend." I tell him maybe he won't ask anymore questions.

"boyfriend? Harry mate you never told me you had a boyfriend? When did this happen?" He kept asking questions. Liam already knew that I was Bi so that part was nothing knew to him, I think he was just shocked I didn't tell him I had a boyfriend because we usually tell eachother about this sorta stuff. 

" Uhh well he's a little shy and he wasn't really ready to tell anyone yet, so yeah." I tell him. I feel a little guilty lying to my best friend but I had to.

" Whaaaaat no shit dude. I feel like you haven't had a boyfriend in forever. Everytime someone asks you out you always tell them that you aren't looking for a relationship ship with anyone." he exclaims.

" Well he's special." I tell him, not lying this time.

" Damn okay harry, whats his name?" he asks me. Oh jeez.

" I can't tell you his name yet." I tell him 

" oh so he's like really shy?" He asks

" Yeah sorry mate I would if I could, and can when I will." I tell him and he just nods. thankfully he was being really chill about this.

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