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Louis POV:

It's been three days since the lockdown, meaning that today everyone has to go back to school. To say I'm scared would be an understatement.

I don't even really know why I'm nervous, I don't think that Nick would be able to come back to the school ever so that's not much of a concern.

But for some reason I'm just afraid of the school. It is just giving me bad vibes and I don't want to go.

"Ready to go little one?" Harry asks me.

We just finished breakfast and are getting ready to leave.

"I think so." I say

"I know baby this is going to be a little bit scary but I will never let anything happen to you and if it's nick you are worried about then it's okay because he going to jail for a very long time." Harry says while pulling me into a hug.

Once Harry pulls away he grabs his bag and I get my backpack and we head to school.

Once we get to school everything seems to be normal. Every one is just doing normal shit.

"Alright I'll see you in English baby." Harry says before he walked away.

Suddenly someone taps my shoulder causing me to freak out and jump.

Ever since the lockdown I have been extremely jumpy.

I turn around and see Niall looking at me with a concerned look.

"Louis..." he starts.

"No Niall I'm fine you just scared me. Now let's go to class." I tell Niall.

"Alright we have math first. Did you do the homework?" He asks me.

"Yea surprisingly." I say back.

Niall and I then start walking to math with Liam.

Once we get into the class Liam gives me a sad look.

Oh my god why is everyone acting like I'm dying. I mean yes the lockdown wasn't what I could consider enjoyable but jeez I don't need so much attention especially not from teachers.

I just smile at Liam hoping for him to get the hint that I'm fine.

All throughout math Liam treats me differently then the other kids. He didn't even make me do my work he told me I should just take time to calm down.

"Louis would you mind staying after class for a few minutes?" Liam says.

"Of course." I say back as the other kids leave the room.

"Uhhh what's up Mr.Payne?" I say.

"Liam Louis call me Liam and I'm just checking on you since what happened." He says.

"Yes Liam I'm fine thank you for the concern but I'm fine." I say.

"Kid I know you're not fine." He says.

Now this is getting me mad. Who is he to be able to tell me that I'm not fine. I am fine...I think.

"No Liam I'm fine!" I say a little bit loud trying to convince myself.

"Louis come on you can talk to me I know I'm your teacher but I'm also your boyfriends best friend and I care about you." He says.

"No Liam I'm f-fine." I say before running out of the classroom.

"Louis where are you going?" Liam yells as I run down the hallway.

I sprint out of the school not even caring that I'm skipping I just need to get out of this hell hole. I can't be here it's too much.

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