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Louis POV:

Our math class is currently crunched up in a corner behind Liam's desk for another lockdown drill.

This is our third one this week and the school claims that it's just a safety Measure so I just don't question it.

However I must say that it gets to be a little bit annoying to just have to sit in this corner and stay silent for like thirty minutes.

Thankfully Niall is in almost all my classes so we could just whisper about shit and we don't usually get in trouble.

Lockdowns always freak me out even if it's just a drill but the teachers are typically good at being able to reassure me that nothing is going to happen.

"And that will conclude our lockdown drill everyone." The principal announced over the intercom causing people to cheer.

"Alright nice job guys class is basically over so you guys are free to go and I'll see you tomorrow." Liam tells us.

Niall and I stand up and walk out of the classroom.

Math was our second to last class of the day so now we have English and then schools over.

"What are you doing after school?" Niall asks me probably wanting to see if we can hang out.

"Harry says that he has to start actually tutoring me again because my grades are dropping and he wants to do it in school so I stay focused so I have to go to his room and study." I tell Niall with a annoyed look on my face.

I mean like really? I don't need tutoring I mean sure I am failing one of my classes but who cares. I'm actually a very smart person I just don't care about school that much.

"Damn I'm surprised that styles is actually making you do that shit." Niall tells me laughing.

"I know right." I say back as we keep walking and talking about random stuff.

Once we get to Harry's room Niall and I walk in and see that a few students are already in here and Harry is writing something on the board.

We walk to the back and take out seats.

Harry turns around once he notices my presence and sends me a wink causing me to giggle.

He then starts teaching about the same stuff as usual.

After about ten minutes of class nature calls so I raise my hand.

Harry pauses mid sentence when he sees my hand.

"Yes Louis?" He asks.

"Uh may I please go to the bathroom?" I ask and a few people in the class laugh at me.

Harry sends me an apologetic look probably thinking that I was going to ask something about English and not something that would make people laugh at me but at this point I'm used to it.

"Yes Louis you may go and good grammar." He says smiling at me.

I give him a little smile back before leaving the room and heading to the bathroom.

In the middle of using the bathroom I hear the intercom go off in the hallway.

"This is a lockdown. This is not a drill I repeat this is not a drill. Everyone go into lockdown positions." The principal announces.

Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

Teacher say that if there is ever a lockdown and you are in bathroom you have to stay in the bathroom because the person maybe in the hallway.

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