✰ Morning Out ✰

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❝ Seems easy enough ❞

9:13 A.M.


Y/n told Boris early in the morning that she had to go get some food. And that she was going to go meet with some friends afterwards. Which leads... to Boris having to take care of Salem. Y/n was about to leave and Boris kissed her goodbye. " Okay babe I have to go. I left you a list. Follow it. I will be back by 3. Latest. " Boris smiled and nodded his head. " Don't worry y/n it will all be under control. "

Y/n left and closed the door. Boris turned and looked at the list on the kitchen table. He started talking to himself. " Okay Boris. You got this. This is your kid. Your responsibility " He entered Salem's room and saw she was sitting in her crib. Salem started putting her hands through the bars of the crib. "Okay Salem time for breakfast " Boris picked her up and held her in his arms. " Okay Salem. Let's go. " He carried her to the kitchen where her high chair was. He placed her in the seat and she started hitting the plate area.

" okay okay Salem. Give daddy a second. I'm coming with your food. " He placed her baby food on her plate and held the spoon. He took half a spoon full of baby food and held it up to her. "Open wide " Salem opened her mouth and reached for the spoon. "Aww you're so cute. " Boris kept feeding her until she didn't want any more. " Okay Salem. What do you want to do now ? "

He took the paper from the kitchen and held it in his hands. " On mommy's list it says that you need a bath.. badly. No worries. I'm on it " He looked back at the list and then at Salem. " Shoot. Forgot to give you your Soy baby formula.. " Boris stopped what he was doing and started making Salem's formula. " I guess bath time can continue while we let the formula sit. Right Salem ? "

He got out the small baby bath and started putting warm water in it. He then put some soap in the water. He coddled Salem in his arms then taking off her clothes. He placed her in the small bath. Salem looked up at Boris and smiled.

After Salem's bath he held her in his arms with brand new clothes and a blanket wrapped around her. He held her against his chest as he got the Formula from the fridge. Boris sat down on the couch with Salem almost asleep.  He holds her in one arm and starts feeding her the formula with the other.

Boris hears the door open and sees it's Y/n. Y/n already knew the perks of her baby. Boris was scared she was going to speak too loud. Y/n speaks quietly. " Is she almost asleep ? " She takes off her shoes and places them gently on the floor. Boris looked up at her as she sat next to him. "So how was it ? " She replied to him in a deep sigh. " Let's just say.. I missed being out. Here let me breast feed her. instead of the formula " 

Boris handed Salem over to y/n which made his farms feel empty. Y/n started breast feeding her and then looked up towards Boris while scooting closer to him now making his arms feel not so empty. Boris put his arm around her as he looked down at Salem in y/n's arm. He exhaled sharply being tired.

" Y/n how do you deal with with this all day ? " She smiled and pinched his cheek. " I don't know.. Mother's instinct ? " He smiled and brushed his index across Salem's cheek. " Well you're stronger than what you see yourself as. That's for sure " 

𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐯𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐯𝐬𝐤𝐲  Imagines ( S&M )Where stories live. Discover now