✰ I Need to Tell You Something... ✰

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❝Here goes nothing...❞


7:12 p.m.

I've been waiting for 35 minutes now for Boris to call me back. He said "there's something important I need to tell you" Told him to "take your time" and haven't heard since. We've been talking for over a year now. Not in a weird way, as friends though.  Luckily enough he lived close by, a couple blocks away. As minutes became hours I began to get worried. Sitting on my bed I stared at my phone on the counter, thinking to myself if I should even bother. I closed my eyes briefly and reached for the phone dialing his number. The line rang, and rang, and rang, and no one picked up. "Maybe he got busy and just forgot." I said to myself. Although knowing I was kidding myself. In less than a minute I got up from my bed and made my way outside, finding myself about to walk the blocks to get to him, all for something he wanted to say.


Why can't I just say what I want to say to him, why does it have to be this hard. I'm taking forever, he's going to think I'm dead or something. I grasped the phone for a second, but held back once again. An hour went by, and I was still overthinking. I even wrote done of what to say to him. "All I have to do is read out the damn words, right in front of me, it's not hard." Clenching my teeth, and holding the paper on my hand I froze, getting tense, and releasing, realizing I wasn't going to pick up that phone again.

"Come on Boris, you got this." Grasping the hair on the side of my head, I stood up and walked around my bedroom for a couple minutes trying to come up with and absolute resolution. Until I did. Grabbing the paper off of my bed I crumpled it, and threw it on the floor beside my bed before running out my room, and outside the house. Feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders I continued, and knew I had to walk these blocks for him, to say what I needed to say. By the time I was halfway there, I second guessed myself, and started panicking. "Just do it" I said to myself. "Just do it .." After standing on the side of the road for five minutes bickering back and forth with myself I decided to go back home.


It's been over ten minutes, and I was halfway there. I didn't know whether to walk fast or slow being in the dark. But I was going to make it there. It was starting to get cold, and the wind was picking up a little, getting goosebumps all along my arms, wishing I should have brought a sweater. But it was too late to go back. Still wondering what he needed to say, and why I came, I didn't realize I was almost in front of his house. I stood across the way from his house, inching closer to where I could see his front door. Glancing up I saw his bedroom light on. "Here goes nothing" As I started to cross the street looking both ways, reaching the other side of the sidewalk, I saw Boris run out of his house and halfway across his driveway, until he saw me, and I saw him, and we stood still, me confused, and Boris almost terrified, but soon gaining a smile afterwards.


As I came back home I went up to my room again, this time pacing, until I looked down at my floor and saw the crumbled piece of paper. I breathed heavily, swallowing, and sniffling before realizing I was right before. "Well here goes nothing" Running out my room again, and down the stairs I opened my front door, although stopped halfway down my drive way seeing him on the sidewalk in front of my house looking clueless, and me a mess most likely. I smiled, and thought it was humouring to see him here. "Hi" I said almost out of breath. He replied, but silence after. "Hi" bringing my hair away from my face I faced him completely. "Hey I'm sorry I never got back, I was going to it's just I got busy, and I was doing something else, and now I'm just lying. Fuck."


Hearing Boris trying to explain his reason made me laugh. "I'm sorry for laughing, but I had a feeling I already knew." "What" I replied again. "Nothing, just forget I said anything. What were you going to say to me. I was waiting for like two hours." I chuckled again, waiting for his reply. "Uhm it's really hard to explain, I mean we have been talking for a while, and I like you, you know ? I REALLY like you." I had that clueless look on my face once more, nodding my head at every other word he said. Until I realized what he actually said. "You what...you like me? Like, like a crush ?" Chuckling a little he replied. "You say like a lot don't you."

Exhaling and talking through my teeth I said. "Only when I'm nervous. But I'm like not really." Biting my lip I just stared at Boris. "So?" He said. My heart was racing and all I could do was focus in on his trembling lips. "I li- I like you too." My gaze moving up to his eyes now. We both stood there, unknowing of what to do next. I quickly walked up to Boris and took him by his face, and kissed him briefly. Boris looked at me, and then at my lips, and took me slowly to his. "I think I kind of like you a lot more." After chuckling at Boris's statement I said. "Me too."

Credits to mrweezerman

For the story idea !


𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐯𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐯𝐬𝐤𝐲  Imagines ( S&M )Where stories live. Discover now