✰ One Night ✰

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TW - Drugs

❝ ...But I love YOU ❞


7:30 P.M.

Continuation of Hair Play <3

It was just a normal day in Las Vegas, Nevada for Y/n. Her and Boris have been getting along. She even became pretty close with Theo as well, not as much as with Boris though. She thought that this is the only perfect thing in her life, and nothing can change that.

" Boris " He looked over at Y/n on the swing. He lifted his head up and looked at her fiercely. " Are you feeling it yet ?" She got confused for a minute and remembered he was talking about the acid they shared. She shook her head and turned the swing facing Boris. "Me either. It will get there though don't worry. " Y/n made a sour look on her face looking up again at Boris. "I'm not worried about that. " Y/n wasn't sure why she couldn't just get to the point already. She was losing time as Boris's mind was slipping somewhere else, along with hers. " Don't you just love getting high ? Love sleeping in, love eating fresh pizza, love- " " Boris " He continued talking. " a clean bed, love fresh air after being stuck in a closed spot for so long and you just feel free- " "Boris ! " Y/n softly shouted over him and tried to respond. " Boris, I'm not sure if it's the acid talking, but I love YOU. " " What? " Boris furrowed his brows like he's never heard the word love before. " That's what I love the most. I wasn't sure how to say it but I love YOU. " Y/n noticed Boris's smile fading as her emphasis of love grew. It's like he doesn't believe her. " You've never done acid before, I'm pretty sure it's starting to get to you. " She opened her mouth aching for words to appear. Maybe he was right. " I- " " We should probably start walking, it's not good to stay in one place. " Y/n twisted her swing back around and dragged her feet on the dirt. " Right "

They got up and started walking off. Y/n was still unsure if it was her, or him that didn't know what they were saying. As they made their way to their houses all she could think of is why was he ignoring it ? Y/n and Boris parted ways, but Boris came back. He treaded carefully to her and stopped inches away from her face. " Maybe you can come to my place for one night. " She stood there hearing him ramble his excuses. " It's your first time trying acid, and I don't want anything bad to happen to you- " Y/n cut him off with a kiss. " They both stood there for a second in awe. Not so much y/n though. Boris smiled taking y/n by the side of her face and kissed her with gentleness. Y/n stood there after he kissed her. "One night " He smiled and held out his hand. " One night "

𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐯𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐯𝐬𝐤𝐲  Imagines ( S&M )Where stories live. Discover now