✰ Days Running Out ✰ P.1

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8:32 A.M.

~•Earlier This Month•~

You had gone to the doctors for blood work, usually you would get the results on how everything would be okay a couple days later in the mail. Although this time you got the results right away. You were confused, but before you spoke, your primary doctor came into the blood work room and pulled you aside. "I need you to make another appointment with me tomorrow. We need to discuss the results. I'll let you take it home with you today. There's something I want to go over with you."

You looked up, your heart wanting to pound out of your chest. "Can I bring my boyfriend ?" You said hoping there would be some relief to follow the doctors concerns. "Of course." Relief washed over your shoulders, and you exhaled. "Thank you." You walked out of the blood work room and walked to the front desk. You made an appointment for the next day around the same time. As you exited the doctors office you held out the results in your hand and read it over again. You took out your phone and called Boris. It rang for a good couple seconds before he picked up. "What's up babe, did the appointment go well?"

After brief silence you spoke out. "Yeah it went good, I need to go in tomorrow, same time, my doctor wants to talk about my blood work." "Why is everything okay ? What was it about?" You put out the paper in front of you again and responded. "Well I got the results with me, he let me take it home this time." Boris sighed, and it felt like you could've felt his hot breath through your phone. "Okay, I'll go with you to this one."

~•One Week Later•~

"I can't believe they want me to go to another doctors appointment." "You have to, it could be something serious." You looked over at Boris sitting in the waiting chair next to you. "I know." He leaned over and kissed your forehead bringing your head forward with his hand on the back of your head. "Y/n l/n?" You heard your name being called. You perked up and stood, grabbing Boris's hand before he could stand up. You and Boris followed behind the doctor, this time this one not being your primary, and in fact from a whole new hospital facility.  The doctor tried to make small talk. "So y/n, how are you feeling today?" You turned your head to Boris before replying. "Tired, as usual." "I feel you on that." Boris made a little chuckle and you made a small grin. "Alright this is your room, I'll be with you in just a little bit, I'll get your paperwork and I'll be right back." The doctor left, and Boris sat in another waiting chair, this time inside the room you just walked into.

The doctor came back in a couple minutes later. She brought in the paperwork, a whole folder. "So what we have been seeing is something going on with your blood, more specifically your white blood cells. Now if I'm correct you have had chemotherapy before, correct?" You turned to Boris, because he had never known that you had had cancer in the past. "Uhm yeah, for breast cancer." The doctor nodded, and then continued. "Right, well it's good that we caught that early. Not much chemotherapy needed. Although your blood is reacting to the chemotherapy in a bad way, and it is now just showing up in our charts. You glanced over at Boris and he asked the question you had floating in your mind. "So what does that mean for Y/n?" The doctor re assured both of you. "It's just something to keep an eye on for now, but in the meantime we will get you in for blood work right now, to see where we stand today, okay?" You nodded your head, and the doctor left the room.

You turned to Boris and smiled at him. The doctor came back in a couple minutes later and handed you a piece of paper to hand to the person doing your blood. The doctor led you out the hallways into the waiting rooms once more. "Blood work should be down the hall to your right." Boris thanked the doctor and you guys made your way there.

~•Two Weeks Later•~

You and Boris were away from each other for about a week. You staying over at a family's house for a small while because you were helping them settle into their new place. Boris staying at your guy's apartment in the meanwhile. Although instead of you being at your family members house, you ended up in the hospital from fainting. Now that you had the time you used your phone to cal your family member to get Boris for you.


I was missing Y/n, but something that reminded me of her was biking. We love to bike. I grabbed my bike from the front lawn and started down the street. Although I was stopped by a honking horn down the street. At first I thought they were honking at someone else until they pulled up right beside me. "Boris?" I furrowed my brows, but replied. In that moment I knew something was wrong. "It's Y/n, she's in the hospital." My heart sank, and a million different scenarios were going through my head. "I'm sorry?" I said with a blank face. The family member responded quickly. "She wants you." After hearing that I quickly threw my bike back from where it was and got into the person's car, and all I could think of was Y/n. Hoping she was okay. As soon as the car parked, maybe not even all the way I jumped out and hurried to the doors, and the family member followed soon leading the way to her.

I made it to the room and saw her sleep peacefully. I was glad not to see any physical injuries when I laid my eyes on her, but that's when I realized it was something else.


HEY GUYSSS !!! Sorry I haven't posted. I have been REALLY busy, but here's part 1, part two coming.

AND YES this story seems to be a little different than others, but change is good SOOO.

Anyway after this OBP two part-er I'll do YBP ! Also trigger warning for next chapter !

Also I updated my Mercy (Boris Pavlikovsky) book if you want to check that out.

Love you guys <3

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐯𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐯𝐬𝐤𝐲  Imagines ( S&M )Where stories live. Discover now