Chapter Six

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Sitting on the couch watching TV with my kidnapper is bizarre. It's such a mundane every day task. Niall acts like we have done this every day for the last year. When in reality, we have only been doing this for the last half hour.

"Francesca." The calmness of Niall's voice leaves chills up and down my body. "Remember when I said I had a reason for you not to go home?"

I don't want to respond. I don't want to speak. I want to go home and know that my family is okay. I was still waking up when Niall sent Harry wherever. I swear it was Boston, but I pray it wasn't. Sadly, I know I have to respond and that Harry did go to Boston. That's how my luck has been going.

"Yes, I remember." I answer with hesitation.

Niall turns the TV off and turns his body towards mine. "Harry did a little digging. He actually didn't have to look too long, Bryce, is not a sneaky guy. I don't know how to say this." Niall almost looks remorseful, but also excited. "Bryce is cheating on you. He has been for the last two years."

"You're lying." The words come out with barely any thought.

"I knew you would say that. I had Harry go get proof." Niall pulls the small flash drive from his pocket. "It's all here."

Niall stands up and walks over to the TV. He sticks the flash drive into the TV. Niall slowly walks over and sits right next to me. Our thighs are touching and it makes me uncomfortable. I bend my knee and prop my foot up onto the couch. Nervous and confused, I place both hands on my knee and rest my chin on them.

Niall turns the TV back on. A black screen with white bold letters that reads: BRYCE'S CHEATING PROOF. What an original title. Rolling my eyes I take a deep breath. I have no clue what I'm going to see, but it isn't going to be of Bryce cheating. The screen fades and a slideshow starts. Its pictures of Bryce kissing other girls. There are different dates on each picture.

"You could have easily edited those," I state.

"True, but could we edit this?" Niall picks up the remote and fast-forwards through the hundreds of pictures. He stops when a video starts. "This was taken last night. Let me know if it gets too much to watch."

"Nothing is-" I cut myself off as Bryce comes into view. He is shirtless and a girl is straddling him. I try to tell myself that this isn't a big deal. They are in a crowded room and they aren't kissing. "This isn't showing anything."

I hear voices coming from the video, so Niall turns up the volume.

"Ay Bryce, what's Francesca doing right now?" Sam, Bryce's best friend, asks. The camera slightly moves to the couch and shows Sam sitting on it. With a red head whose boobs are bigger than her head straddling him. "Does she know what you are up to?"

"Can we not talk about her? She has been acting weirder than normal. I swear England is doing more damage than good." Bryce shakes his head. "She actually thinks she is going to work after we get married."

"You still want to marry her?" Sam asks in disbelief. I don't blame him; Bryce has a girl dry humping him at the moment.

"You can't date someone for ten years and not get married. Besides, she is hot and is clueless." Bryce chuckles like he just told a hilarious joke. "I can get away with whatever I want with her. She gives in to me so easily."

"Okay, can we like stop talking about her? She sounds like a stupid, stuck up, boring hoe." The blonde girl who is basically connected to my boyfriend asks.

Bryce laughs and then crashes his lips to her. All of the other partygoers are either oblivious to this or just ignoring it. Bryce is a god to all of these people.

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