Chapter Five

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I posted chapter four yesterday, so if you didn't see that, go read it first!

I have spent the last two days with Niall. I feel like the last two days have been the longest days of my life. How has it only been two days? At the same time it has only taken two days for Niall to completely change me. My sass is completely gone. I barely talk above a whisper. This is what I expected when Niall kidnapped me. I used to be strong and fierce. I depended on my quick thinking to get me through anything. There is a slight problem with that. The problem is that with me my bark is meaner than my bite. Actually, there is no bite and being around Niall has taken away my bark. I thought I was mouthy, but it turns out in dangerous situations I freeze. That's just great.

"Francesca." Niall interrupts my thoughts. "How are you feeling today?"

I sit up from laying down on the bed and look up at Niall. He is standing in the doorway.

"Fine," I barely get out.

"I was thinking that you could go to class today. What do you think?" Niall smiles at me. He thinks he is doing me some favor. "Who takes classes on Saturdays anyways?"

"How?" I try not to sound hopeful or excited.

"How you always do." Niall looks at me confused.

"So you are going to just let me go?" There has to be a catch.

"Yes and Liam will go with you." There it is. The catch. "You only have the one lecture today."

"Actually, I'm still not feeling well. I shouldn't go." I don't want to risk anyone else getting hurt.

"You can't miss that much more. We don't want you getting behind." Niall walks over to the bed. He bends down and rests his hands on the mattress. "Liam will just go today and record the lesson for you."

"My friends can just send me their notes." I will say and do anything to keep them away from the school.

"Its not a big deal. Liam is already on his way." I feel panic take over and Niall must sense it. He smirks at me. "Happy Saturday and happy almost the start of fall break."

"Speaking of fall break. I am supposed to be flying home tomorrow. My parents will notice if I don't come home." Maybe this is what Niall wants. "My parents have a lot of money. They will give you whatever you want to let me go."

"My precious little Francesca. Does it look like I need your parents money?" Niall starts shaking his head no in reply to his own question. "But don't worry. I am working on the reasoning as to why you won't want to visit anyone in America."

I chill runs down my spine as I ask, "what reasoning is that?"

"You will find out soon, my dear." Niall leans back. "Get dressed. We are going to hang out in my office today. You can use your laptop for class and I can work."

I stare at Niall in shock. I should be used to this, but I'm not. Niall acts like this is normal. Like we have known each other for years. Does he really expect me to sit in his office studying like it is a normal occurrence? The longer I know this man the more delusional I think he is.

Niall claps his hands loudly, telling me to hurry up. The noise makes me jump, which causes Niall to laugh. I do my best to ignore him as I get off the bed. I try to walk slowly to the closet, but having Niall watch me makes me move faster. I step into the closet and grab one of Niall's soccer t-shirts and a pair of joggers. I shut the closet door and quickly change. He still hasn't given me my clothes back so I have just been living in his comfy clothes. I'm not going anywhere so it doesn't matter, but I have given up on wearing his boxers. They were too big and why bother wearing underwear?

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