Chapter Four

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I'm not alone in the bathroom for long. Niall eventually comes back in with the piece of toast. I try to ignore him, but he doesn't like to be ignored. He makes his presence known by coming over and picking me up. He places me onto the counter. Niall then skillfully squeezes between my legs.

"Eat," he demands.


"Francesca." He says through gritted teeth. My name has become a swear word and a warning again. I reach for the toast, but Niall pulls it away. "No, no, no. Open your mouth."

I'm speechless. Mostly out of fear, but come on. He wants to feed me? What does he think this is? Our honeymoon? I can tell by his eyes that his calmness won't last long.

I open my mouth and Niall carefully places the toast in my mouth. I take a small bite and Niall moves the toast away. I slowly chew the dime-sized bite. We continue with this process until the toast is gone. It is painfully slow, but this is the only control I have.

"Drink some water," Niall orders. I roll my eyes without thinking. I pick up the water and twist the lid off. Niall never takes his eyes off me. I tip the water bottle up to take a small sip. Niall bumps the bottle with his index finger and more water than I want comes out. I end up spilling water everywhere and inhaling it. I start coughing uncontrollably. In between coughs, Niall says, "lose the attitude. I'm trying to help." He thinks me rolling my eyes is ground for trying to drown me? "Take a shower and get cleaned up. I will be back in an hour. Everything you need is in here."

Niall slowly leaves the bathroom. I wait until he leaves the bedroom and then I slide down off the counter. I look in the mirror for the first time. I'm pale, the small amount of make up I still have on is smeared, my hair is a mess, and overall, I look sick. I take a deep breath and then stare at myself in the mirror. I need to be strong. If I can make it through this, I can make it through anything. I just need to be smarter than Niall, which probably won't be that hard.

I look around the bathroom.The gold accents everywhere are a nice touch. The big soaker tub is calling myname, but I don't know how much time Niall is giving me. I walk over to themassive shower. The small built in bench is full of different shower products.I don't take the time to look at them closely. The small seat off to the sideof the bathroom catches my eye. Why didn't Niall let me sit there? I walk pastthe shower and see the toilet tucked in the corner. Overall, it is a nice bathroom. So far the bedroom and bathroom are screaming luxury.

 So far the bedroom and bathroom are screaming luxury

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(Imagine the vanity is white. I couldn't find the vanity from the other pictures. Just go with it.)


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