Chapter Fourteen

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This week surprisingly goes by quickly and smoothly. I spend all of my time going to class and studying. I got behind missing those three days of classes and not studying. Niall makes me study in his office, but he never seems to work. He just seems to be watching me. It doesn't make any sense. What kind of mafia are they in?

Thankfully its Friday night, which means no more studying for the week. I never study on Saturday or Sunday. It keeps me in a good head space. I just need to focus on one more chapter for my cognitive psychology class.

"Are you done studying?" Niall asks from his office chair.

"I can be." Its not like I was focusing on my schoolwork.

"We are going out tonight. Since it is almost eight p.m, we should start getting ready." Niall informs me.

"Where are we going?"

"To the club. Harry, Louis, and I haven't been in a few weeks. People are asking questions and starting to wonder. We need to go make an appearance." Niall shuts off his computer and stands up.

"A club?" Not being able to hide how unimpressed I am I ask another question. "What kind of club?"

"A normal club? You can dance, drink, or sit and talk." Niall shrugs his shoulders.

"So its not some drug club where something bad could happen?" I ask nervously.

"Oh no. Something bad could totally happen and probably will. Just not to you." Niall smiles proudly. "You want to dance then I will be dancing with you. You need to go to the bathroom-"

I cut Niall off and say, "you will not go to the bathroom with me."

"No, but Eleanor and Lola will go with you." Niall walks over to me and reaches a hand out to me. I drop my pen in my textbook and take his hand. "You will be safe."

"I'm not a drinker or a dancer." That's a lie. I love to dance, but I'm terrible at it. "Do I have to go?"

"Yes. Everyone needs to see who you are with." Niall pulls me away from my study corner. We make our way out of the office. "The more people that know you belong to me, the safer you will be."

"You weren't kidding with that possessive attitude?"

"Nope. Get used to it." Niall smirks and then reaches into his pocket. He pulls out my phone. "But first, I need you to call your mum. She is freaking out."

"Fine." I have mostly gotten over her knowing that Bryce was cheating on me. I guess punishing her with silence can stop. I reach for the phone and say, "how upset is she?"

"If she doesn't hear from you today, she is flying here with reinforcements." Niall acts like the threat isn't a big deal, but it is. My flat will be surrounded by police officers. I reach for the phone again, but Niall pulls it away. "No funny business, got it?"

I nod my head yes and say, "got it."

"Put it on speakerphone."

Niall finally hands me the phone and I dial her number. Mom answers on the second ring.

"Bug?" Her voice is hopeful and excited.

"Hey hyena," I say hesitantly. I am feeling a little guilty about not fighting Niall to talk to her. I should be protecting her from Niall. "How are you?"

"We are doing well. How about yourself?" We are starting to sound too cordial. I don't like it. I sigh and mom picks up on it. "I'm sorry, Francesca. I didn't want you to get hurt. I realize it was a sucky thing of me to do. Whatever you decide to do with Bryce is your business. Just don't shut us out again."

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