Chapter Fifteen

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As we step into the club it feels like we are stepping into another world. Flashing lights, loud music, smell of alcohol, and way too many people. I feel claustrophobic and I don't like it. So many people bumping into each other. Many of them drunk and probably high. An intoxicated girl comes stumbling up to me. She almost falls, but I throw my arms out to catch her. She latches onto my arms. Making us uncomfortably close.

"Thanks bitch." Her alcoholic breath makes me want to gag. She is drinking the hard stuff. "Come get a drink with me."

"I'm sorry, she is taken." Niall steps up behind me. He pries her hands off my arms and makes sure she can stand on her own. Once Niall knows she is fine, he shoos her away. Niall puts a hand on my waist and says, "stay close."

"Don't have to tell me twice." I let myself lean into him.

Niall throws his arm over my shoulder and leads the way. I watch as a few different people recognize him. Some wave while others just stare in shock. I look behind me and see that each guy is getting the same treatment. They are totally in a mafia.

We walk through the club come up to a hallway. There is a massive man standing in front of a door at the end of the hallway. Niall leads us right to the man.

"Ello Mister Horan," he greets Niall and then looks down the hall. "Oh, the whole lot is here. Welcome!"

"Ello Ollie," Niall greets him. "This is my sweetie Francesca. Harry and Louis also have their women here. Let everyone know that we are on lockdown. No one is allowed up here unless they have top clearance."

"Understood sir." Ollie nods his head once. He leans in close to Niall and whispers something in Niall's ear. Niall thinks for a moment and then shakes his head. Ollie steps to the side and opens the door. "Have a fantastic night."

Niall drops his arm from my shoulders, but he reaches for my hand. He keeps me close to him. As we walk further into the dimly lit room Niall stops and points at two doors.

"These are the wash rooms. We have our own bar upstairs. You have everything you need here. There is no need for you to leave this room." Niall gives me a warning look. "Got it?"

"This is the one time you do not have to worry about me. I have no desire to try to run away to only get caught by someone worse than you."

"You are learning." Niall thinks that I don't think he is bad. He is wrong, but I won't correct him right now. "We have some stairs to go up."

"Of course." I roll my eyes. Why so many stairs?

"It's not as bad as you are thinking, but take this time to prepare yourself." Niall pulls me closer as we walk. "You are about to spend your evening with a lot of criminals. Don't leave my eye sight."

"Niall." I want to say more, but my voice breaks. Fear and concern fill me.

Where did Niall Horan bring me?

"I know this isn't ideal, but I had to bring you here." Niall looks behind him at one of the guys and he nods at them. "People need to see that you are with me. They need to see that you are protected."

"Protected from what?" I thought Niall was my biggest threat.

"Don't worry, love. I have it all taken care of." Niall kisses the top of my head.

We starting walking up the stairs and my nerves take over. How am I supposed to prepare for this? How does one prepare to be around criminals? I feel like I should have taken self-defense classes for this. I look up and see that we are reaching the top. There is no way that twenty stairs is enough time to prepare myself. Maybe this is one of those 'hope for the best, but prepare for the worst' type of situations.

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