Chapter Eight

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Wattpad is being lame and I wasn't able to edit this chapter through my desktop. There are probably going to be lots of errors. Sorry in advance. Enjoy the chapter though! You get a little glimpse into what the guys do for work.

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It has been a long, weird, but terrible week since meeting Niall. In two days it will be a week since I have been kidnapped. I have been kept in my bedroom since the night I had sex with Niall. I haven't even seen him since that Night. Eleanor and Louis bring me food. Zayn and Liam stand guard outside by my windows. I have actually had a couple of chats with them. It hasn't been anything special, but they are nice guys. I have also seen Harry often. He just comes by to check on me. I asked Harry about Lola and he said Niall lied. Harry hasn't kidnapped anyone. I'm at a loss, because I don't know who to believe.

I'm tired and bored of being alone. I want to go home to my flat. I don't even care that I missed my vacation to see my parents. I honestly wouldn't mind dying, which I know is bad. I have only been kidnapped five days and I'm already giving up. I have no idea how I am supposed to become a psychiatrist. How am I supposed to help others when I can't even help myself?

A welcomed knock pulls me from my thoughts. I wait with anticipation for the person to come in. Niall walks in and my heart sinks. He looks around the room. He actually looks everywhere, except at me.

"Would you like to go on a walk?" Niall awkwardly asks.

"No thank you. I'm not feeling well." Technically not a lie.

"You need to get out of this room and go outside. Some fresh air will do you good." Niall looks at one of the windows. "The sun is out. I bet you would enjoy it. I have to do some work, but Liam and Zayn offered to go with you."

"Okay." I nod my head, happy that it isn't a walk with Niall.

"I also brought your clothes back in here this morning," Niall quietly says.

"What? When?" Did he sneak in while I was in the bathroom?

"You were asleep. It was like two in the morning." Niall acts like this isn't a big deal.

"Okay?" Should I be surprised that he snuck in here while I was sleeping? No I shouldn't, but I am.

"Hurry up and go. If you aren't ready in five minutes you aren't going." Niall nods his head at me and leaves.

What just happened here?

Not wanting to waste any time I jump out of bed. I walk into the closet and notice all of the clothing. It is all the same clothing I used to have in my closet at my flat. I don't have time to look through every piece of item though. I grab yoga pants and a sweatshirt. The sun maybe shining, but it is almost December. I quickly change and then walk into the bathroom. I pull my greasy hair back into a messy bun. I haven't showered since that night either. I am in such a bad state of mind.

I walk back into the closet and grab shoes and socks. I carry them into the bedroom. I slip on my socks and then my shoes. Just as I'm standing up the door is being opened.

"Are you ready to go?" Zayn asks as he pokes his head into the room. I nod my head yes. "Let's roll."

I leave the room and as I walk down the hall Zayn walks behind me. We quietly walk down the stairs. I sigh mentally at the thought of having to walk through that dungy hallway. I start walking towards the door, but Zayn grabs my arm. I turn and look at him. Zayn removes his hand almost instantly. His reaction is as if he got burned.

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