Chapter Fourty-One

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We stay like this for a couple minutes. I hear footsteps, but I don't pull away from Niall.

"What the fuck is going on?" I hear Louis mutter.

Niall pulls away from me. For a moment I panic. Niall looks at me and then at Louis. Zayn, Liam, Harry, Eleanor, and Lola are walking up behind Louis. These people have a weird sense of loyalty to family. Even though Olly betrayed them and Niall almost got killed because of it, they weren't going to punish Olly for it. They all walk up to the scene. Eleanor's hands go up and cover her mouth. This can't be a good sight. Olly's body limp and only being held up by the rope. His head is down with blood oozing out of it. Niall and I were kissing pretty passionately.

"What the hell happened?" Louis asks furiously.

Niall steps in front of me and tucks me behind him. "I couldn't let him walk free. He was too dangerous."

"So you killed him?" Louis asks. "You killed one of our brothers?"

"Yes." Niall admits and I open my mouth to argue. Niall shakes his head and continues talking. "He admitted to not leaving the country until I was dead. What else was I supposed to do?"

"You wait for us, so we can decide. He was George and Miss Jane's only son." Harry points at Olly and shakes his head. "I can't believe you did this."

All hell breaks loose. All the guys start yelling. They all seem to be in shock over the news that Olly is dead. Louis questions Niall's loyalty. Harry and Liam are just trying to understand what caused Niall to pull the trigger. Zayn is sticking up for Niall, but I can see the fear in his eyes. If Niall wanted Olly dead he would have killed him before today.

"STOP!" I yell. I step out from behind Niall and say, "Niall didn't kill him. I did it and I would do it again if I had to. He tried to get all of you killed. As far as I'm concerned he deserved it."

Everyone turns their attention to me. Eleanor gasps and shakes her head. Tears falling down her cheeks. It doesn't make any sense to me. Olly almost got them killed. Louis steps toward me, but Niall pulls me close to him. This causes Louis to snap out of whatever he was going to do and he steps back.

"Google has gone mental!" Liam cheers.

"Giving Bonnie and Clyde a run for their money?" Harry shakes his head. "Why did you come here? You are both bursting at the seams with emotions. This is the last place you should be."

"Its not that we don't agree with you love. Its just now we have to tell Miss Jane that her son is dead." Louis closes his eyes. "She is going to cry and I hate when she cries."

"He may be her only biological son, but she adopted you guys and raised you. That should mean something." I look around at all the guys. "None of you are taking the blame for this. I will handle this."

"We can't wait. This has to be done today." Harry glares at me.

Harry turns and walks away. I look over at Niall nervously. Niall reaches for my hand and leads me away from the mess. I notice Niall nod his head to Zayn and Liam. They step towards Olly's body as the rest of us walk away.

Harry drives Niall's car to Miss Jane and George's house. He mutters something along the lines of not trusting us to run. The comment doesn't bother me, but I know it hurts Niall. I want to argue with Harry and stick up for Niall, but that will only make things worse.

By the time we reach the house I have run every scenario that could happen through my mind. I'm prepared to go to trial for myself and if I have to, flee for my life and possibly alone. With each step I take my stone demeanor slips. This is going to get ugly. We walk into the house and I want to throw up.

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