Chapter Eleven

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"Niall, the hot tub and the pool will be good for her ankle," Eleanor argues.

Why is she only in a t-shirt?

"Everyone will be there. How is that considered physical therapy?" Niall folds his arms. He is stubborn.

"Not everyone, just the girls." Eleanor gives him a sweet smile.

I hate sitting here on Niall's bed watching them bicker over me. It's like I'm not even here. What's even worse is that I can tell I am missing something to this conversation. Niall doesn't want me to be around someone.

"Exactly. She is a flight risk." Niall says and I pick up a pillow. I throw it at him, but he catches it. He smirks and says, "really?"

"Stop talking like I'm not here." I glare at both of them.

"Sorry." Eleanor smiles at me. "Come on Niall. They both need their spirits lifted." Who are they? "You can watch from the balcony."

"Fine," Niall caves. He looks over at me and points. "Behave."

"I wouldn't dream of misbehaving." I fight back a smirk, knowing it will be too sassy.

"Eleanor, if anything happens call us." Niall watches me closely. "She is still on suicide watch."

"I know and this is why this is a good idea." Eleanor smiles like she knows something.

"Whatever." Niall rolls his eyes. "You have a few swimsuits in your old room."

"Cool story, bro." I say nonchalantly.

"Don't call me bro." Niall glares at me.

"Whatever you say, dude." I smirk.

"We will also work on the attitude." Eleanor winces and then turns to glare at me.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I love my attitude." I give them both a big smile.

"Well, you are the only one." Niall rolls his eyes and looks at Eleanor. "If anything happens, you are responsible. I will try to get Liam or Zayn to come down and supervise. Neither of them are the biggest fans of Francesca though."

"How about you let me go and then none of you will ever have to worry about me again? I promise I won't say a word about any of this." As I ask this Eleanor sighs.

"Like I can trust you." Niall scoffs. "You proved that last night."

"I promise everything will be fine! Let's go, Francesca." Eleanor walks over to me and helps me off the bed. "Can you walk?"

"I can limp," It has only been two days. What kind of nurse is she?

"Let's go get you changed." Eleanor is way too happy first thing in the morning. She is patient though. She walks slowly next to me, holding my arm, just in case. I'm glad my room is only a couple doors down from Niall's, because I'm getting tired of walking. When we reach my room, Eleanor says, "go sit on the bed and I will grab your swimsuit."

"Thank you." I flop down onto the bed and lay back. I let my arms sprawl out and I sigh. "I have missed this room."

Eleanor doesn't say anything, so I lift my head. She is nowhere to be found. I'm guessing she is in the closet. I move my head back down and relax.

"Woah." I hear Eleanor mumble. A few seconds later she is walking out with an armful of bikinis. Not just any bikinis, my bikinis. Niall searched through ALL of my things apparently. I wonder if he found my vibrator collection. He had to of. "Okay, so you have a lot of options."

"I will take the blue tie dye u neck bikini." It's the only bikini I have that isn't overly sexual. It looks like a crappy sports bra and some underwear that shows too much butt.

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