Chapter Twenty- Six

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I used to hate this house. I hated everything about it. I hated the maze that it was. I hated the in home gym, because that meant no more runs outside. I hated the pool, because it felt like a cave. But now? Sitting in the hot tub feels so good. Even if I have hardly seen Niall since we got back. Even if Lola and Eleanor are waiting for me to spill my guts about our trip.

"So?" Lola asks.

"So what?" I know what she is asking, but I don't want to tell her or Eleanor. Going to Boston with Niall feels special and I don't want to share that with anyone.

"So, how was the trip?" Eleanor asks without beating around the bush.

"I'm here and alive. My parents are still alive." I shrug my shoulders. "The trip went well."

"That's all you are going to say?" Eleanor sighs in frustration.

"Let her be, Eleanor, she is a private person." Lola smiles and I smile back in gratitude.

"Whatever. Niall will tell Louis and Louis will tell me." Eleanor rolls her eyes.

Poor Eleanor is a little annoyed with everyone and everything at the moment. As soon as Niall and I got home we were bombarded with Eleanor and Louis drama. Louis is being a little bit more protective than usual and Eleanor is having a hard time with it. I have not been able to figure out why Louis is being more cautious with Eleanor. I feel like something happened while Niall and I were gone, but no one will say anything. At least not to me anyways. We got back late on the twenty-ninth and I have hardly seen any of the guys. When I do see them they are all huddled together using hushed tones. As soon as one of them sees me they stop talking and leave. Today is New Year's Eve and I have been waiting for someone to tell me what the plan is for tonight.

"Anyways, what are we doing tonight? Are we just going to stay home and keep it low key?" Hopefully one of the girls knows.

"We are going to the club, but tonight will be different. The club will only be open to those who are in business with us. Upstairs will be for business and trust me, a lot of deals go down on New Year's Eve," Eleanor explains. "I'm excited for you girls to be here this year! I'm usually stuck on a couch with prostitutes."

"So the guys will be busy?" Lola asks nervously.

"Eh," Eleanor shrugs. "Not really. They have their employees push Lockedin all night."

"So we won't have to fend for ourselves." Lola starts to relax.

"With how things have gone down I don't think we will ever be left to fend for ourselves." Eleanor looks and sounds annoyed.

"What went down?" I ask for the millionth time since returning England.

Eleanor looks up towards the big glass window. All five men sit at the large conference table. None of them are paying attention to us. Whatever they are discussing has all of them stressed.

"We can't say Eleanor. Niall will tell you when he is ready." Lola says before Eleanor can spill the beans.

"Seriously? You aren't going to tell me?" I'm shocked that Lola won't tell me the truth. Since we got in this mess it has always been us against them.

Since we have been back it has been more them against me and them protecting me from whatever the hell happened. Whatever it is, something bad has happened and it has changed everything. I am more alone than ever. These people who forced themselves into my life surround me, but I still feel alone. I'm still the outsider. I am nothing more than Niall's girlfriend and that sucks.

"I want to, but Niall asked us very politely not to say a word. He was so nice about it." Lola sheepishly grins.

"And you are terrified of him," Eleanor jokes.

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