Chapter Thirty-One

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Niall and I haven't spoken in three days. I have barely even seen him. The little slip up during sex scared him. That's understandable, because it scared me too. I begged Eleanor to bring home a morning after pill. I have never had a desire to have kids, but I know I will have one. I am leaning more towards adoption, but we will see. Niall is the problem here. He doesn't know how to be a good dad. It's not his fault either. It is just the cards he was dealt. If I stay with Niall, I won't be having kids. It sounds like Niall doesn't want kids anyway. Either way, it will all work out.

For now I need to forget about babies and focus on school. I'm too young to be worried about any of that. Me telling myself to not think about babies is making me think about babies. Here I am trying to study obsessive disorders, but all I can think about is a baby with my skin tone with Niall's smile. I might be developing my own obsessive disorder.

"Focus, Francesca," I mutter to myself.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"What are you doing?" I hear Louis ask from behind me.

"Trying to study," I say through gritted teeth.

Now that Louis is here my wishful thinking of getting any homework done has gone out the window.

"It sounds like you are talking to yourself." Louis comes and sits on the couch next to me.

I'm hiding in Niall's living room. I thought I would be safe here.

"What can I help you with, Louis?"

"We need your help and I offered to come find you. I needed a break from the tension." Louis reaches his hand out to me. "Let's go love."

"Why do you need my help and why is it so tense?" I look at Louis skeptically.

"All great questions, but questions I don't want to answer." Louis smirks as he grabs my hand. "Up we go."

As Louis drags me to the office above the pool I ask, "don't or can't answer?"

"Oh no. I can answer them. I just don't feel like answering them." Louis looks back at me with an evil grin. "I like bugging you. It's fun."

"This is revenge for not letting you go to war, isn't it?" I ask with annoyance.

"Of course it is. We never get to have fun anymore." Louis actually pouts and I laugh. "I just have to wait. Alex will take a step too far and Niall will be there waiting to pull the trigger. I just have to wait."

"Niall isn't going to kill him. I told him not to."

"And why would he listen to you? Niall has been in this game a lot longer than you." Louis' know it all tone makes me roll my eyes.

Annoyed I follow Louis up the stairs and down the hallway to the large joint office. It looks more like a conference room than an office. This is the room that looks over the pool. It has a fun view. I don't know how anyone gets any work done when they are up here.

"Google," Liam cheers once I enter the room.

I glare at Liam and let my eyes move across the room. I make eye contact with Liam then Zayn, then Harry, and finally Niall. I feel my knees buckle out from underneath me. The way he is looking at me is just a knife to the chest.

Niall's best punishment is when he blocks me out. I am still mad about the whole pregnancy thing, but I have missed him more. Finally being in the same room as him and looking into his eyes makes me realize that. I can handle the yelling, the threats, and the hitting. Him ignoring me and then looking at me as if I mean nothing to him is not something I can deal with.

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