Chapter Twenty-Two

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Niall slams on the breaks and my body immediately goes into fight or flight. My hand reaches for the door handle, but I stop. We are still in the airport parking lot. Security is all over. I could easily get out of this alive, but I hesitate. No matter what happens tonight, I will always be tied to Niall. He is never going to let me go alive. I don't want to die before I see my parents. I drop my hand and turn to Niall. Even though this takes place in a matter of a few seconds, Niall has witnessed it all.

"Smart choice."

"I told you I wouldn't run." I glare at him as I wait.

"I should kill you." Niall's hands grip around the steering wheel. "If you were anyone else, I would kill you."

"What's stopping you?" I surprisingly ask calmly.

Niall glances over at me and admits, "I don't know. I don't know why I have done anything when it comes to you."

"I'm also doing things, acting in ways, that I never thought I would have since I met you." I quietly admit as I stare down at my hands. "I should have run just now."

"Yes, you should have." Niall says as he starts driving again.

The air is thick between us. The tension is almost too much to bear. Its like admitting that we don't have any control of ourselves when around the other is some dark secret. Maybe it is. We could easily tear each other apart. I could manipulate Niall and get out of this in a blink of an eye. Niall could easily drive me to insanity and then slowly bring me back. Although, I think we are both already doing this.

Thirty minutes later we are pulling up to my parents house. The light blue house with white trimming. Colored Christmas lights covering the house and a few inches of snow on the ground.

 Colored Christmas lights covering the house and a few inches of snow on the ground

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"Which door is yours?" Niall asks.

"All of them. My parents wanted to live in the city, but wanted space. They bought this house and remodeled it." They have a nine-bedroom house for two people. "They should move into a smaller place, but refuse."

"It looks nice. I grew up in a penthouse in London. I would have loved to have a backyard." Niall stares at my house in amazement.

"I loved it as a kid. I just feel like there is a lot of wasted space." I take a deep breath. "Ready to go in?"


I look over at Niall and see how mad he still is. Great.

"I'm not going to say or do anything to make my parents suspicious." I just want to be with them.

"I know, but I might." I look at Niall in confusion. "I refuse to pretend like I didn't just spend the drive contemplate killing you."

"Do you care about me?" I ask.

"You know I do." Niall begrudgingly admits.

"And I don't know why or how, but I also care about you." I don't know in what way, but I know that I don't want the guy to die. "Why don't we just put this little fight on pause? When we leave my parent's house after Christmas we can pick this back up?"

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