Chapter Twenty-One

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"FRANCESCA! LET'S GO!" Niall yells for the millionth time. "WE ARE GOING TO MISS OUR FLIGHT!"

I passed my finals with flying colors. I knew I would pass, but I didn't think it would be with straight A's. Niall has been extremely proud of me. The day I got my scores Niall told the guys two or three times how smart I am. Liam and Zayn have started calling me Google again. I want to be annoyed, but it's cute. My parents have always been proud of me, but they expect me to do well. The guys are surprised and impressed. It feels good to have people recognize my hard work.


I walk out of the bathroom and flip my hair behind my shoulder. "Calm down, I'm ready."

I start to walk past Niall, but he stops me once my back is to him. His hand wraps around my wrist and turns me around to face him.

"For fucks sake, Francesca. Do you really need to wear that?" Niall fights back a groan.

"What's wrong with this?" I'm in black leggings and a black crop top with a burnt orange long cardigan. "Its comfortable."

"We are going to be on a plane for seven and half hours

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"We are going to be on a plane for seven and half hours. Why are you so dolled up?" Niall asks annoyed.

"I'm not dolled up, I'm in leggings. Nothing about leggings are fancy." I roll my eyes. "I thought we were going to miss our flight if we didn't leave right this second."

"Do I need to change?" Niall ignores my sass and looks down at his own clothes.

Niall is in a black pair of joggers and a dark green zip up jacket. His hair is slightly messy. He looks effortlessly hot. I hate it.

"No, you look fine

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"No, you look fine." My parents won't expect him to look put together.

"Let me grab some jeans to change into." Niall turns and walks into his closet.

"That's not necessary." When Niall walks out with a pair of jeans in his hand he looks at me annoyed. "You don't have to do this."

"I don't want to make a bad first impression." Niall says as he stuffs the jeans into his carry on bag. He picks it up and then reaches for my hand. "Let's go meet the parents."

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