Chapter Thirty- Eight

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We drive in a tense silence for hours. Louis pulled off onto a dirt road about an hour ago. We are in the middle of what looks like a forest. Louis parks in a parking lot that is packed with cars.

"What are we doing?" I ask. My voice is hoarse from sobbing.

"We have to hike rest of the way." Liam explains while getting out of the car.


I don't use my crutches anymore even though I should. I just limp wherever I go. I hated the attention crutches bring. I can't hike.

"I hate to bring this up, but I got shot in my leg. I can't hike." I climb out of the car and look around. "How are we safe? There are lots of people here."

"Francesca we have to keep moving. Here is a change of clothes. Hurry up. It's going to get dark soon." Louis shoves a handful of clothes at me.

"Where do I change?" I'm not trying to make this difficult for them, but I don't understand what's going on.

"In the car." Liam smiles sympathetically. "Once we are safe we will explain everything to you."

"Promise?" I stare at Liam with hope.

"I promise." Liam opens the car door for me and I slide inside.

I watch as Louis and Liam stand on opposite sides of the car. Blocking anyone's view of me. I quickly unbutton my black blouse and slip on a grey soccer t-shirt and then a black hoodie that has the same soccer logo. I then pull my skirt down and wiggle into the black leggings. Louis thought of everything. A pair of wool socks and hiking boots were in the middle of all these clothes. I slide on the socks and then put the boots on. After I tie the laces I climb out of the car. Louis and Liam turn towards me and I nod at them.

"What should I do with my other clothes?" I ask as I hold them in my hands.

"Just leave them." Louis says as he walks to the trunk. He opens it and pulls out two large backpacks. He hands one to Liam. "Let's get moving. We aren't going to make it before dark if we don't hustle."

Louis and Liam slide on the backpacks and lead me in the direction of a hiking trail. I follow quietly behind them. I hold back any complaints that I have. This is the last thing any of us want to be doing. I wish we were back at the house together. All of us. Laughing and hanging out. So many memories rush through my mind as we hike. The only memories I can truly focus onto are the ones where Niall had me wrapped up into his arms.

I miss him.

I miss him more than I did before. I never thought I would see him again, but I thought he would be somewhere in the world. Living and hopefully being happy. I thought he would come and find me when this mafia war was over. Niall dying was never a thought I had. It doesn't seem plausible. He is the leader. Aren't the mafia members supposed to protect the mafia boss? Where was everyone when Niall died? Was he alone? Suffering alone like most of his life?

"How did he die?" I ask with a shaky voice.

"An explosion, I think." Liam answers.

"What do you mean you think? Was he all alone?" I feel more tears start to well up.

"We were all together preparing to fight, but then there was an explosion. It was right outside the house closest to Niall. He went flying and hit the wall on the opposite side. Everything after that was a blur. Harry took Niall and ran, but we never saw either of them again." Louis's voice is void of all emotion. "Zayn and the girls are waiting for us."

Everyone else survived except those two. The two most qualified for being the boss are dead. This was Alex's family's plan. I don't know why I know that with certainty, but I do. I know Niall's mafia wasn't the biggest, but it was the richest. They were the most powerful. Alex's family used Alex's terrible choices to their advantage. Used Alex's death to take out the most powerful mafia.

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