Chapter Thirty

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I wake up the next morning alone in bed to a phone vibrating. I look at my phone that is sitting on the side table. I pick it up and find two texts from Niall.

Niall: Had an impromptu meeting this morning. Meet me at nine at the coffee shop where we first met.

The second text is directions to the coffee shop. I look at the time and see I have fifteen minutes to get ready and go. I jump out of bed and do my best to get ready. It doesn't help that we had a long night last night. Once the play was over we came back to the hotel and Niall got me out my dress in seconds. Niall put me in positions I have never been in before. My body is tired and sore.

I run my fingers through my hair and run a q-tip under my eyes to wipe any smeared make up away. I slip on my black leggings and Sherpa half zip jacket on. I put on my shoes and then I'm out of the hotel.

Thankfully the coffee shop is only a seven minute walk. I happily walk since it is not raining today. I try to remember these streets that I walked three months ago, but I can't. I was totally lost that day I came here. Niall's directions are clear and I get to the coffee shop easily. I sit at a table by the window and wait.

Nine-fifteen rolls around and I check my phone. I have no messages from Niall. I send him a quick text asking him where he is. I then go back to playing on my phone. The ringing of the door every time it opens becomes a nice background noise. Niall will text me when he is on his way, so I just need to kill some time.

"Look who we have here." A British accent breaks my concentration. I look up and find Alex staring at me. I sit up a little straighter and look around for anyone to help me. "Funny running into you here."

"How did you know I was here?" My voice is trembling.

"I didn't, but this is a nice surprise." He smiles and my body itches to get away from him.

"Niall is going to be here any second. You better get out of here." I do my best to act braver than I did five seconds ago.

"I'm sure he is." Alex laughs. "I bet someone is watching us right now."

I don't think anyone followed me here, but I'm not going to share this news with Alex.

"More than one actually." My own confidence shocks me. "You better get out of here before they come in."

"Take it easy. What's the rush?" Goosebumps spread across my body. His voice sounds eerily familiar. I can't put my finger on it. This situation almost feels like deja vu. His eyes look me up and down which distracts me. "I'm not here to start anything. I don't do anything without a plan."

"How have those plans turned out so far?" I ask with a smirk.

"Not great. I m putting too much faith in my deliveryman. I need to upgrade him." Is he talking about Shane? My phone dings and we both look down at it. Niall's name with a text saying he is turning the corner now. "Have a good day, Francesca."

Alex leaves the coffee shop as fast as he entered. I stare at the door in confusion. I have met him before. At least heard him talk before. I don't think I have ever seen him before New Year's Eve. I just know I have heard him talk though.

Niall eventually comes charging through the door. His eyes are wild as he looks for me. Once he spots me he seems to calm down slightly. Niall walks up to me and looks me up and down.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Niall looks panicked.

"I'm fine. A little shook up, but okay." I force a smile.

"What happened?"

"Nothing really. Alex came in. Said something about needing a plan and a better deliveryman, but then he left." Really nothing to get worked up over.

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