Chapter Thirty-Five

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Author note at the beginning!

Enjoy this Rollercoaster of a chapter and sorry for any missed grammar mistakes. I wanted to get it out to you all as fast as I can. Also for those of you who are dying to know if this has an happy ending, message me! I will gladly tell you what to expect. I don't want to spoil the ending for those who don't want to know.

Please comment, vote, and share with your friends!


"Francesca!" I hear from behind me.

I ignore it and push myself to move faster. As far as I know, Alex could still be alive and chasing after me. Not looking back I move.

"Francesca!" The voice yells and I swear its Louis, but I don't look back. I can't risk it.

I turn the corner into an alley and pause to take a deep breath. I am losing too much blood. I have no idea where I am or how far a hospital is. Tears start to run down my cheeks, but I stop them. There is no time to cry. I have to move. I have to get myself out of this mess.

I take another deep breath and then step out into the street. I start to move forward, but I feel a hand wrap around my forearm. I turn around to see who grabbed me and my heart drops.

"There you are, love." Louis smiles and I let the tears run down my face. "Don't make more of a scene then you already have." Louis puts his good arm around me and guides us back up street we came from. He pulls down my hood and takes the sunglasses off. He notices my limping. "How much pain are you in?"

Knowing that Louis won't be able to help at this minute I lie and say, "not too much."

"Liar. There is blood all over you." Louis looks me over. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say not all of that is your blood."

"Louis," I warn.

"Got it. Now is not the time to joke." Louis nods at me while fighting back a smile.

We slowly make our way back to the accident, but we don't make it back. Instead Liam's car pulls up next to the sidewalk.

With his window rolled down Liam pokes his head out and says, "we need to leave now. Police are on their way and there are a lot of witnesses hanging around."

Louis opens the back door for me and helps me in. He surprises me by getting into the backseat with me. I watch as Louis's eyes roam over me.

"There is too much blood. Where are you bleeding?" Louis moves his hand where the blood starts and I jump and scream. The adrenaline is either gone or just not masking the pain anymore. "That fucker shot you?"

"And got a couple good punches in too." Now I try to joke.

Louis and Liam look pissed, but also sick.

"Hospital," Liam announces.

"You know he is going to want her in Oxford." Louis tells Liam.

"She has lost a lot of blood, Louis." Liam glances at us in the rearview mirror.

"I know, but we can't control the hospital here. We need to go home." Louis looks down at my wound. "The last twenty four hours have been a disaster. Your call, Liam."

"Hold on tight Francesca." Liam says as he revs his engine.

My body relaxes into Louis. Not from feeling safe, but from losing too much blood and not being able to fight off the sleep. I guess that could also be a sign of a concussion too. Either way, I pass out within minutes once we are outside of London.


Waking up to panicking voices is not the way to wake up. I try to open my eyes, but they feel too heavy. Instead of fighting to open them I listen to the conversation.

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