Chapter Twenty

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Louis and I get the drinks and carry them over to the table. With eight drinks, Louis and I each carry four. We set everything on the table and everyone grabs their drink. I walk over and sit next to Niall. With my glass in my hand Niall stares at it.

"What did you get?" Niall asks as he bends down and smells it. "Is that coconut?"

"It's Malibu rum with Dr. Pepper." I smile as I watch Niall look at me in horror. "It's good. Try it."

"I think I will stick with my bourbon tonight." Niall lifts his glass to his mouth. I suddenly get this urge to get Niall to try my drink. I grab his glass before it touches his lips. I pull it away. Niall tilts his head slightly. "What are you up to?"

"Try it," I ask sweetly. "For me?"

He glances down at my drink. I smile wickedly. That was too easy. I think I found Niall's soft spot. Me being sweet. Niall lifts my glass and takes a drink.

Niall shakes his head and says, "nope. Never again."

"It's not bad! You are being dramatic." I roll my eyes.

Niall wraps his hand around the back of my neck. My eyes go wide in fear, but when I look into Niall's eyes I don't see anger. I only find adoration and maybe need.

"If you keep forcing me into things that I don't want to do, we are going to have a problem." Niall glances down at my lips.

I would love to kiss him, but I'm not one for public affection. Niall is so hot though. Screw it.

"What problem is that?" I take another drink and then lick my bottom lip. Niall stares at my mouth. His eyes are glued to it. I then bite my bottom lip. "This is my-"

Niall cuts me off by crashing his lips to mine. I smile into the kiss. I move closer to Niall. His tongue slips into my mouth without any hesitation. Niall is desperate and I kind of love it. He always acts so in control. What is going on with him?

Niall pulls back slightly and whispers, "it does taste delicious."

I blush at his comment.

"Niall, go make the rounds before you and your girlfriend start humping each other." Harry says, interrupting us.

Girlfriend? Since when?

Niall pulls away. While glaring at Harry, Niall says, "let's go Francesca. There are some people I want you to meet."

I gulp down my drink to try and push the nerves away. The rush of alcohol only makes me jittery. I haven't drank much alcohol. Sips of wine and champagne are about it.

I look back at Louis and say, "will you get me another?"

"Will do," Louis laughs.

Niall pulls me from table to table introducing me as his girlfriend. The first table, the three women shoot daggers at me as the five men fuck me with their eyes. The men try to be subtle, but it's fairly obvious. Niall holds me close to his side.

As we leave that first table Niall explains, "those are the low lives that we let do our dirty work. We only let them up here, so they feel important. Those are the people I want you to stay away from. They don't understand the whole you can look, but not touch. The rest of the people here are fairly decent. Their families have been in business with my family for years."

The rest of the men and women at the different tables are fine. They ask me questions about school and even tease Niall about being a lot to handle. Niall nods his head and shrugs, but never laughs.

When it feels like we have talked to everyone I turn to Niall and whine, "are we done yet?"

"One more table." Niall says in a reassuring tone.

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