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5 years later

I look out at the England sky as a taxi takes us to our destination. We haven't been to Oxford in a long time. I don't know when we will be back. Due to certain circumstances I hate England and never want to visit. If I had it my way we would never step foot on British soil again. That's what happens when you are in love. You do things you don't want to do.

"Do you think there will be any drama this week?" Niall asks almost giddy.

"There better not be. We haven't seen anyone in almost two years. Let's just enjoy our time." I give Niall a warning look. He is relieved to be out of the family business, but he can't seem to give up being the boss of the family. "Just keep your thoughts to yourself."

"I can't help it when they are all idiots." This is Niall's go to line when I ask him why he is being an asshole to his brothers.

"You do realize you are the biggest idiot of all right?" I smirk at Niall.

Niall leans over and grabs my chin between his thumb and index finger, "watch it."

From the outside Niall looks pissed, but I can see the excitement in his eyes. I let my tongue dart out and lick my bottom lip. Niall watches my mouth closely. He is itching to let loose. To let out the side of him that is reckless and dangerous.

"Behave." I look into his eyes. If I want to attend the rehearsal dinner I have to shut this down. "I have strict instructions from the bride and groom. You piss off one person and we are gone. If I miss this wedding you will have hell to pay."

"Yes dear." Niall smirks. "The mafia has nothing on you when you are mad."

We don't talk about the mafia anymore. It isn't some taboo topic that we can't speak of. We just don't like to talk about it. None of us do. When Niall left it behind, we all did. Louis works for Eleanor's father's company in London. Harry and Lola are in Cambridge. Lola is doing her residency and Harry is taking classes online to get a business degree. Liam opened up a gym in Birmingham and mostly works out all day. Best of all, Zayn went to his wife and daughter. They were safe in Sweden and Zayn is now there.

"Is your mom going to be there?" I ask cautiously.

"He is her son." Niall watches me closely. "Do I need to be worried about the two of you?"

"I killed her only biological son and then took her favorite adopted son out of the country. Of course you should be worried."

To say Miss Jane and I have a rocky relationship would be an understatement. She will never forgive me for killing Olly, but she understands why I did it. I will never forgive her for forcing Niall and the others into the mafia. We will never see eye to eye, but she respects me. I am crazy enough to hunt anyone down who would ever think about hurting Niall.

"I love you." Niall's sincere tone makes me roll my eyes.

"You are getting soft Horan," I tease. "But I love you too."

"I might need to go on a few calls or pop in to the club." Niall looks around the streets as we drive.

"It isn't your zoo anymore." Niall is loyal to a fault. I love it and hate it.

"But they are my monkeys." Niall looks back over at me and smiles.

Ah yes, his "monkeys". A.k.a the drugs he helped create. Niall and the other guys still make a ton of money off of that stupid drug. Niall doesn't work if he doesn't want to. Hell, I don't have to work if I don't want to. Neither of us want to live like that so as soon as I'm done with school Niall is taking his name off the payroll. Like Harry, Niall went back to school. He only had one year of schooling and then three years of an internship. Niall is now on his way of making partner at the architect firm he works at.

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