Chapter Ten

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As Niall gets us ready for bed I complain about how thirsty I am. Niall elevates my ankle with folded blankets and pillows. He then hands me the same plastic water bottle. I don't take it from him and he sighs.

"What do you want now?" Niall looks exhausted.

"I prefer water out of a glass bottle." I state with a serious face.

"Are you kidding me?" Niall looks at me closely. "I didn't see those at your flat."

"You kidnapped me before I could go buy more," I snap.

"Do you want ice?" I hate how nice he is acting.

"No. Room temp is good." Niall gets off the bed and leaves. When I am alone I turn on my side and pretend to fall asleep.

Niall isn't gone long so when he comes back he is surprised. "Seriously?"

The room goes dark and Niall climbs into bed. Niall wiggles around, as he gets comfortable. When he stops moving, I count to a hundred in my head. Then I start tossing and turning and whining. I fake cry about my ankle hurting. I do this all night. I hold back a laugh as Niall loses his temper and hits the side of the mattress. I don't understand why he won't get mad at me. That's what I need.

When the sun slowly comes up Niall yells, "fuck!"

I have to cover my mouth from laughing. I am exhausted, but it is worth it. Niall eventually gets out of bed and I peacefully fall asleep.

I am woken up to Louis holding up eggs and toast. I can tell the eggs are cooked to perfection. The yoke is runny, but everything else is fully cooked.

"What's this?" I ask as I sit up.

"Niall asked me to bring you breakfast, even though it is almost eleven a.m." Louis is still annoyed with last night.

"I don't like eggs," I quietly lie.

"You do now." Louis hands me the plate. "Eat."

He sits on the bed next to me. I bite my bottom lip at what I have to do. I am definitely going to be dead. I lift the plate up and drop it onto Louis' head. The egg yolks break and drip down Louis' head. I fight back a laugh.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Louis yells as he wipes egg out of his eyes.

"I told you that I don't like eggs." I smile sweetly.

Louis gets off the bed and mumbles something about missing the old me. Too bad this was Louis' idea. I go back to sleep for a few more hours.

When I wake up again Harry is sitting on the chair next to the French doors. He is looking down at his phone unaware that I'm awake. He is smirking and it makes me curious. Unfortunately, Harry looks up at me.

"What can I get for you? Water or eggs?" Harry smirks.

"Actually, I would love an A&W root beer." I ask kindly.

"Sure you do." Harry stands up and leaves the room. I smile, knowing that A&W root beer isn't sold in the UK. This is going to be fun.

I have to go to the bathroom so I slowly climb out of bed. I hop on one foot to the bathroom. It's tiring, but I make it. I quickly go so Harry won't see me. As I'm washing my hands he walks back in.

Before he freaks out I say, "I'm in the bathroom."

I dry my hands and hop out of the bathroom. Harry looks at me and shakes his head. Surprisingly, Harry walks over to me and grabs my arm. He moves my arm over his shoulder and then moves his hand to my waist. He basically lifts me up and walks us to the bed.

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