Chapter Seventeen

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"I hate to break up the fun, but Miss Jane needs Lola." I smile at the both of them.

"I can't leave. We are in the middle of a game." Lola says, clearly stalling.

"Its fine. I was crushing you anyways." William shrugs his shoulders while looking bored.

"Way to throw me under the bus." Lola playfully glares at William.

"Lola," I laugh. "He is a kid and don't worry. Miss Jane is great. You will be fine."

"But," Lola pouts.

"Just go!" I laugh as I pull her up. Lola nervously walks into the kitchen. I turn to William and say, "do you want to keep playing cards?"

"Are you any good?" William raises an eyebrow.

"I think I can hold my own." I smirk, because card games were my jam when I was William's age. I used to play with my mom's assistant. "I have played quite a bit."

"That's what blondie said." William rolls his eyes.

"Just shuffle the cards." I say while I hold back a laugh.

After three hours of playing old maid and go fish William decides he wants to go outside and play. I want to explore, so we get bundled up in our coats, hats, and gloves and go outside. I don't have a hat or gloves, so William let's me borrow some of Miss Jane's. Once we are outside William runs all over. I chase after him when he gets too far ahead. The running feels good. My ankle feels a little stiff, but overall it's good.

"Follow me!" William yells as he runs faster.

I start jogging and keep a steady and slow pace behind him. He is taking me right to the barn. He swings the door open and walks inside. I follow him into the barn. It looks like a typical barn from the outside, but inside, there are stairs that lead to a window. It's like a second story, but there is small area to stand. It looks like it was made to be a look out spot. My stomach drops, because it probably is a look out spot.

"William, are you allowed to play in here?" I ask as I look around. There is a tractor and a huge black Escalade in here. The pairing is weird, but I don't want to know the reasoning behind it. "Let's go back out and play."

"I really want to see what everyone is talking about." William turns and runs to the stairs.

"William, no!" I yell, but he ignores me. William is almost halfway up the stairs. I walk over and examine the stairs. They are made of old wood, but they look sturdy. I slowly take one stair at a time. When I reach the top my focus is on William. "Let's go. Time to get back to the house."

"Look! They are fighting." William points out the window.

I look out the window and we have a perfect view of what's happening in the shop. The barn window is a little higher than the shop's window. We are looking down into the shop. Niall is yelling and pointing a finger at everyone. Zayn has his hands in the air like he is surrendering. Liam looks apologetic. Harry and Louis both have their arms crossed like they couldn't care less. George is rubbing his neck. What has everybody so upset? Nathan then comes into view. I can't see any of the other younger boys. I obviously can't hear what is being said so millions of questions come rushing in.

"William, is there a way to hear what they are saying?" I whisper like the guys will hear me.

"I don't know. I have never been over here. I'm not allowed." William keeps his eyes glued to the window. "Brad said he saw a guy get shot in there. Is that true?"

"It most certainly is not. Let's go back inside." I grab William by the shoulders and lead him down the stairs.

We get outside and I hold his hand so he can't do anything crazy. I could see him barge into the shop. I force us to keep walking until I hear yelling.

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