Chapter Thirty-Two

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"You don't seem to be doing so well. Are you okay?" Liam asks.

"Let's see, I spent my night at a loud club and when I wasn't barfing or making out with Olly, I was watching Niall make out with lots of girls. Now I'm at school like nothing happened." I look around campus for any familiar faces. One face in particular. Alex. "Why did he have to kiss so many girls?"

"You know why," Liam sighs. He clearly doesn't want to be having this conversation.

"No, I don't. I knew he would be kissing one girl, but not multiple girls." The image of Niall kissing so many girls run through my head.

I'm going to be sick.

"Woah, are you okay? You are as white as a ghost." Liam's hand touches my arm.

"I'm going to be sick." I run to a huge oak tree.

I immediately start dry heaving. I have nothing left in my body to throw up. I haven't had anything to eat or drink since those shots last night. That doesn't stop my stomach from finding something to eject from my body.

"Uh, Niall, I think we have a problem here." I hear Liam in the background. "She is still sick. I have no clue how she is handling this."

Liam's voice disappears as I continue my violent throwing up.

After twenty minutes, which felt like eternity, I am finally standing up right against the large tree.

"Sorry about that," I mutter to Liam.

"You need to email your teachers and tell them you won't be in class rest of the day." Liam says without making eye contact.

"No, I'm not doing that. I only have two classes left, with the same professor, and they are in the same building." I glare at Liam even though he won't look at me. "I can't miss class."

"You can't keep any food or fluids down. Something is wrong. You need to go to the doctor," Liam insists.

"I haven't even tried to eat or drink anything, so who knows if I can or cannot keep anything down." Liam stares at me and I realize I'm not helping my case. "Sorry, but I'm not missing class."

"This isn't me asking you. I'm telling you that we are leaving." Liam finally looks over at me. "It's not even me. Niall is demanding it."

"I'm surprised he even cares. I thought he would be too busy kissing other girls." I notice the jealousy in my voice, but I ignore it.

"Come on. Olly is also eager to see you." Liam grabs my upper arm and pulls me to the car.

"Ha ha." I roll my eyes. "You aren't funny."

"Not trying to be," Liam grunts. Liam forces me into the passenger seat and then demands, "email your professor."

He slams the door and walks around to the driver side. I pull my laptop out of my backpack and turn it on. I only have to wait half a second for it to wake up. I quickly pull up my email and send Professor Dunham an email telling her I have the flu and won't be in class. As I type out the words I hit the keys hard. Liam stays silent next to me. Annoyed I keep typing. Telling my Professor that I'm sorry for the inconvenience and that I will see her on Monday. I'm glad it's Friday and I can spend the weekend sleeping.

"Do you need to see the email before I send it?" I ask sarcastically, but when Liam nods his head yes I gasp. "Are you serious?"

"Just following orders, Google." Liam says as he takes my laptop out of my hands.

"I'm going to kill Niall!" I am so sick of this.

Either he trusts me or he doesn't.

Liam taps at my keyboard and I sit quietly. Waiting for him to finish so we can leave. I watch Liam as he presses enter and then closes my laptop. He hands it to me and then smiles.

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