Chapter Twenty-Eight

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There has been a dark cloud hanging over Niall and I since New Year's Eve a month ago. I'm back in school and Niall is getting the hang of his new position at work. Niall and I eat dinner together every night. Then I study and he works. When ten p.m. rolls around I go to bed. Niall always joins me, but leaves as soon as I fall asleep. I once woke up at midnight to go to the bathroom and Niall was gone. I haven't asked him about it. I haven't asked Niall anything. We haven't talked about New Year's Eve either. We are sort of tiptoeing around the other. No one really talks to me though. Lola and I study together and rest of the time I'm with Niall.

Basically all I do is study. I go to school and then come home. If I'm not at school I'm at home. If I'm not at home, I'm at school. Liam still takes me to school and walks me to each class. The nights the guys are at the club I am home alone. Lola has offered to stay, but I tell her to go be with Harry. I have basically closed myself off to everyone.

I feel like I'm going crazy and I don't know how to stop it.

"I can't handle it anymore!" Lola yells and I jump. We are currently sitting at the island counter studying. Like we do everyday. "I can't handle the quiet studying anymore. I tried to respect you, but what the hell is going on?"

"You don't get to know everything about my life." I snap at her.

"I thought we were friends, but then Niall becomes boss and you don't want to associate with me anymore?" I find it disturbing that Lola thinks I take Niall's new job title seriously.

"You knew the truth about Niall and didn't tell me. Instead you and Eleanor become best friends and wear matching dresses to the party. You two hang out all the time and whisper. You left me hanging." I shake my head at her. "Don't get confused on who turned their back on who."

"Eleanor is not my best friend. One day I wake up and I'm being told that I'm in charge of my best friend's safety. If anything happens to her I'm dead. Eleanor was helping me figure everything out. Harry is telling me that nothing is changing, but Louis is telling me that you and I will never be friends like we were." Lola shakes her head. "I met a boy who was handsome and now I'm here, watching over a mafia boss's girlfriend."

"I get it. Everything changed. We figured out their game and we were following their rules and then everything changed. I don't know what I'm doing either. Part of me wants to run away and never look back." I sigh in frustration.

"What about the other half?" Lola stares at me in concern.

"Niall." What else can I say?

"I'm sorry for not saying anything to you. Niall kept saying you not knowing was for the best and Harry kept saying I had to respect Niall." Lola looks down at her schoolbook. "Has Niall always been this manipulative?"

I breathe out and say, "yes. We just somehow missed it before."

"Harry is too." I look over at Lola and she looks heartbroken. "How are you and Niall?"

Her changing the topic is not a good sign.

"I don't know. He was such a mess New Year's Eve. I can't be with someone who acts like that. He swears nothing happened with that girl, but I don't believe him." I look down at my notes. "I need a break from life."

"Niall didn't cheat on you. Harry told me everything that happened that night. That girl was throwing herself at Niall, but he didn't notice it. He talked to her and had fun, but he wasn't into her. Niall only has eyes for you. The only reason he gave her any attention was to make you jealous." Lola shakes her head and scoffs. "Such an asshole."

"That's Niall for ya."

"Can I please stay home with you tonight? I cannot handle going to the club after this week of school." Lola looks at me with hopeful eyes.

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