Chapter Twenty-Nine

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When Niall said he wouldn't be leaving my side, he was not lying. Niall has had three different meetings today and I have gone to all of them. I have sat in the corner of every room, surrounded by bodyguards. I am supposed to be studying, but I haven't. Who could study right now? I'm sitting here listening to mafia bosses making deals. I am here and listening to every word Niall says. Every threat, promise, and compromise. His business skills are remarkable. I think he could make a deal with the devil and Niall would come out with the better end of the deal. At least that's how it has been today. I think Niall has made millions today by just offering a couple hundred men to protect these smaller mafias. Niall even managed to get these mafias to start selling Lockedin. He is making a lot of money off that drug.

Once the last meeting ends Niall walks right over to me. The bodyguards move just enough for Niall to get to me.

"Ready to head back to the hotel?" Niall asks.

"Only if that means we get to eat soon." I smile up at Niall.

"Its only three p.m., but if you want dinner now, we can go now." Niall reaches his hand out to me. I put my hand in his and he pulls me up. "Or we can get you some crisps that you like to hold you off for a few hours."

"Either one wi-" I stop myself when I notice Niall staring at my notebook.

"What is this?" Niall asks as he points at my notebook.

"I took notes for you." I look down nervously.

"You wrote down almost everything that was said." Niall grabs the notebook and stares at it. "You didn't have to do this."

"I know, but I wanted to." I can't tell if Niall is upset or not.

"This is a great idea, thanks love." Niall leans over and kisses my forehead. "This is going to save me a lot of time when we get back. I can give these pages to the lads to read and then they will be caught up on the meetings."

"You're welcome. I'm glad I could help."

"This means I can spend more time in bed with you Monday morning." Niall pulls me close by the hand he is still holding. He kisses my forehead and mumbles something.

"That sounds amazing, but I have class on Mondays at eight a.m." I have classes from eight to two. Mondays are very long days.

"You could quit and come work with me." Niall says as he holds me close to him. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me.

"You want me to just follow you to meetings and write everything down?" He better say no.

"Well when you say it out loud it sounds stupid." I can hear the smile on Niall's face.

"Ugh, I'm hungry and you suggesting I drop out of school bugs me. Let go of me." I try to push Niall away.

"Uh oh. Someone is getting hangry." Niall starts to laugh.

I try to push away from him, but he holds me tighter. I go limp and let Niall hold me up as he laughs. After a few minutes he stops laughing and unexpectedly lets go of me. I fall to the ground and Niall starts laughing again.

"Why are you laughing so much? It's weird. Stop." I grumble as I stand up and put all my stuff back in my backpack.

"You just make me happy, Google." Niall lets the stupid nickname roll off his tongue and I snap my head at him. "Or should I say Frannie?"

"Why are you teasing me so much?" I ask surprised.

"Because you are hangry and it's hilarious." Niall says while trying to keep a straight face.

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