Chapter thirty-three

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Do you want the good news or do you want the bad news?" Eleanor asks as she stares from Niall to I.

"What is considered good news to you? Your good news might be my bad news." I start rambling from my nerves.

"Is she pregnant or not?" Niall asks. Clearly not interested in hearing Eleanor's take on what's considered good news.

"You are going to be parents someday, but today is not that day." Eleanor jokes. "The bad news is that you are one of those lucky few who have terrible reactions to the plan b pill. I suggest only taking it when you are desperate."

"She was desperate." Niall says for me.

"Okay. I'm just saying in the future remember that." Eleanor throws me a sympathetic smile. "Well, I better be on my way. See you all later."

Eleanor quickly leaves us alone in the kitchen.

"Are you done being weird now?" I ask Niall.

"I'm not being weird." Niall says as he inches closer to the kitchen entrance. "I do have some work to catch up on."

"Niall, don't." I glare at him. "Do not go silent and walk away from me."

"What do you want me to do Francesca? I can't look at you without seeing you attached to Olly." I notice the jealousy in Niall's voice.

"I did that for you!" I shake my head as I fight off tears. "And you have been freezing me out before then. Tell me what I did wrong to fix this or I'm gone."

Niall pulls at his hair in frustration. "There is nothing you can do to fix this."

"So this is it? You trying to protect me is what ruined our relationship?" I put my hands on hips in frustration. "Found a girl at the club with less complications?"

"You know there are no other girls. You are the only girl I will ever want." Niall admits like it is the ugly truth.

Why is this truth so ugly?

"Prove it to me," I insist.

Exhausted, Niall asks, "how?"

"Fuck me." The demand in my voice makes me smirk.

Niall makes a noise that sounds like a growl. His hand reaches up and fists his t-shirt between his shoulder blades as he charges at me. His shirt comes off and he sets it on the counter. Standing by the kitchen island I look around to figure out how this is going to work. Niall reaches me and his hands immediately grab my hips. He pulls me close to him and crashes his lips to mine. It feels rushed and passionate. Niall feels hungry for this.

Not only has he been punishing me for the night at the club, but he is also punishing himself.

Niall moves one hand and brings it up to my hair. He grabs a fistful of my hair and softly pulls me away from him.

"I need this." Niall is breathless and at first I think I am hearing things, but then he repeats himself. "I need you."

He reconnects our lips and let's go of my hair. His hand goes back down to my hip. I feel him move along my waist to unbutton my pants. The only problem is that they are black slacks that have clasps on the side. Niall's fingers roam over my waist as he tries to figure it out without breaking our kiss. I start to feel his frustration.

"Its on the-" I am cut off by the sound of my pants being ripped. "Did you just rip my pants?"

"Those were ugly anyways." Niall mutters as he brings his lips back to mine.

If this was any other circumstance I would ask him what he meant, but this is clearly not the time. We don't have much time. I honestly don't even know how much time we have. Anyone could walk in at any second. Niall doesn't seem to care and who ever walks in will only see my back. I am just going to go with it.

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