chapter Thirty-Four

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The events from the night before run through my head. I pray that it was all a dream, but when I open my eyes and the sun shines through like it only can in this room I know. I'm not in Niall's room, because I can't go near him and he doesn't want me.

More importantly, I killed two people last night. Two people who were not good people, but they did not deserve to be murdered.

I hate him. I hate Niall more than I ever thought was possible.

A knock on the door pauses my loathing thoughts. Louis walks in and I feel a small smile, but it drops immediately when I notice the sling. I sit up and try to fight back tears as last night memories rush through me.

"Don't worry love. I'm fine. Eleanor and her doctor friends took care of me. I got clipped in the shoulder, but it could have been worse. It probably would have. If you weren't there I would have turned my back or walked closer and been a bigger target." This sounds rehearsed. I wonder who else he has said this to. "I volunteered to come get you. We are going for coffee this morning."

"No, thank you."

"Are you seriously turning down a man who just got shot?" Louis smirks.

"That's not fair," I mumble.

"I don't have to fight fair." Louis winks and his playfulness confuses me. He has been grumpy for weeks. "An iced coffee sounds good."

"You don't drink iced coffee."

"No, but you do." Louis shrugs his good shoulder. "Don't make me beg."

Should I ask if Niall will be there? No, there is no way he is going. Niall blocked me out when he was in love with me. He isn't going to act like my best friend now that he hates me.

"Am I allowed to go grab some clothes?" I hate that I have to ask permission to go into my room.

"That's not a good idea. I can go get you some." Louis tries to act calm, but I notice the change in his body language. He is nervous.

"You just got shot. I can go grab my clothes." I climb out of the bed, grateful that I wore sweats and a t-shirt to bed. "Louis you really need to sit down and relax."

I walk past Louis and to the door. I do my best to act nonchalant.

"Frannie, that's not necessary." Louis says panicking.

I ignore him and leave the bedroom. I walk down the hallway to Niall's and my bedroom. Louis on my heels telling me to stop. If he wasn't injured I'm sure he would grab me and drag me back to the guest room. Thankfully I can do what I want. I wonder why Niall sent Louis and not Liam.

Nope, not going to do that.

I refuse to spend another second of my time trying to figure out Niall. What I said last night is still true. Niall is dead to me. He has pushed me too far. We can't come back from last night. I know that and he knows that too. Louis getting hurt is the nail in the coffin.

We reach the bedroom and the door is already open. Maybe this was a bad idea. If Niall is in the room, I don't know how he will act. There is a good possibility that he will throw me out.

"You are right. This is a bad idea. Just grab me some clothes. Any clothes will work." I can't do this.

"Come on, love. You have got this far." Louis sounds amused. I turn around and look at him. "He isn't in there. He isn't even home."

"Oh. You should have said that first!" I feel like Louis is acting weird.

He was so nervous about me coming in here, but Niall isn't even home. Why would Louis act like that?

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