Chapter Twenty-three

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As Bryce and I reach the upstairs all eyes are on us. Everyone definitely heard the screaming, my screaming. I sit down by Niall and he continues to stare at me.

"So, what are everyone's plans for Christmas break?" Marie asks. She feels the tension and wants to distract everyone. "Will you all go visit your friends for New Years Eve?"

"We are leaving before New Years, but I am going to try and meet up with everybody." I try to act excited about seeing my old friends, but honestly, I wish Lola and Eleanor were here. "Introduce Niall to the group."

"They would love that," Bryce laughs. "The whole city will know you moved on by morning."

"They do like to gossip," I agree.

"When are you planning on leaving?" Mom looks at me concerned.

"The twenty-ninth," I answer.

"Oh good. For a moment I was worried you were going to say the twenty-sixth." Mom looks visibly relaxed.

"No, I want Niall to experience all of the family Christmas traditions." We have a lot of traditions in my family.

"Niall, are you allergic to anything?" Marie abruptly asks.

"No, I'm not." Niall forces a smile. He is pissed and uncomfortable. At least he is trying to hide his anger.

"Good. We go all out for Christmas dinner. I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't have to miss out on any of the delicious food we make." Marie is always looking out for people.

"Oh, well, uh, my body doesn't do well with greasy or over processed food." Niall nervously admits. He doesn't want to be a hassle, which I find amusing.

Bryce starts laughing uncontrollably. Niall tenses thinking that Bryce is making fun of him. I grab Niall's hand and squeeze it. Stupid Bryce for laughing.

"Bryce," Marie scolds him.

"Sorry," Bryce says between laughter. After a few more minutes he finally calms down. "Sorry man. I promise I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at the fact that you probably think we all eat the way Francesca eats." Bryce chuckles and wipes his eyes. "I would get kicked off my team if I ate like her. Everyone else would be five hundred pounds if they ate like her."

"Its not that bad." I try to defend myself.

"Love, you eat pop tarts for breakfast every day and dinner you would eat instant pasta if I let you." Niall smirks as Bryce laughs. "I think Liam said you eat cheeseburgers and pizza a few times a week."

"Francesca!" My mom gasps. "Do you need money? There is no reason to be eating that stuff."

"It is not that bad!" I am screwed. It really is that bad.

"Are you still running every day?" My mom's eyes drop to my stomach and I start to feel self-conscious.

"Not right now. I sprained my ankle while jogging through a forest. I will get back at it in January."

"You what?" My dad is now the disapproving one. "You went running through a forest?"

"I was with her. As soon as she went down I was there. One of my friends is a nurse and was able to get it looked at and taken care of." Niall says calmly.

We technically aren't lying.

"You need to be more careful sweetheart." My dad smiles softly. He is worried about me. If only he knew.

"I am. I promise I'm not being reckless. Besides Niall is watching out for me. You all have nothing to worry about." I can't make a move without him knowing.

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