Update, but not an update

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So I don't know if you have noticed, but I am struggling to update. I have a lot going on right now. My life is completely changing. I am not one who handles change well, so to say I'm struggling is an understatement. My biggest change is happening next week.

With that being said, this week and next week I will not have any new chapters coming out. Writing is a hobby and it is a stress reliever. Unfortunately with how busy my life has been I have not been able to write. I can't focus long enough to write a chapter.

BUT do not worry! I will be back October 20th with new chapters. I have a lot planned for this story. I love Francesca and Niall. I just need to step back and handle one thing at a time. I might be back sooner. If I have time to write I will and I will share it with you all! I have never given up on a story and I won't start now!

I will still be on wattpad so just message me if you have any questions!

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