Chapter One

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Six months earlier

"Mom! I am not going to do that for Bryce's birthday!" I feel a blush rise to my cheeks. "I can't believe you suggested that."

"You and Bryce have been dating since you were three. I think it's time to spice things up a bit." I hear the excitement in my mom's voice. "Just one little strip tease after jumping out of a cake."

My mother, everyone, Nicole Demmings. A very open and honest person. A mom who not only encourages her daughter to have sex, but gives her advice on how to spice up her sex life. I should be accustomed to the shocking and embarrassing things that come from her mouth, but I'm not. Everything she does still catches me off guard. I don't know how my dad has handled her for over thirty years. However, I have come to speak my mind. I don't hold anything back, all because of my mom.

"We have a very healthy sex life, thank you very much." I fight back a laugh. "Just last night we-"

I hear a laugh and a throat being cleared. I turn to my left where the noise came from. I find a man who is five-ten, maybe five-eleven staring at me with amusement. His deep blue eyes sparkle with trouble. His brown hair is tousled to the side. He looks like he just got finished working out. The gym shorts and sweaty gray t-shirt are a dead give away. I notice the ear piercing last. He is good looking, maybe even breathtakingly hot. He doesn't hold a candle to Bryce though. Nevertheless, I give him an apologetic smile. Maybe talking about my sex life in a crowded coffee shop isn't the best idea. This perv seems to be getting his jollies from it.

 This perv seems to be getting his jollies from it

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"Sorry to interrupt." His accent catches me off guard. It's not the normal British accent I have grown accustomed to. His accent is Irish, I think. "Please continue."

"Mom, this is not the time to talk about this." I say into the phone while staring at this Irish man.

"Fine, but we are not done discussing this. When you come home on Sunday we are going into more detail." Her persistent tone makes me chuckle.

"No one else I would want to talk to about my sex life with than you." I hope she hears my sarcasm.

"Bye bug." Mom says playfully.

"Only you can go from talking about sex and then call me by my childhood nickname." I chuckle as she laughs. The image of her hunched over laughing while her long black hair falls in her face and her brown eyes pinched shut pop into my head. "I will call you later, hyena."

Her laugh sounds like a hyena so that is the nickname I gave her after watching Lion King when I was younger. I think I was four when I realized how much my mom sounded like the evil hyenas.

We both hang up our phones and I finally say something to the stranger who took an interest in my phone call.

"Sorry about that. My mom is a little eccentric and she pulls me into her little bubble and I forget where I am." Do I really need to apologize for this? Sex shouldn't be a taboo subject. This man smiles and I smile back. "I need to remember not everyone is as open as my family is."

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