Chapter Seven

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Just kidding, but now that I have your attention. I have a quick comment about this chapter. This is a TRIGGER warning for the chapter. A lot of crap is about to go down. I want to remind you all that this is a fictional story and Niall Horan is not like this. Well, I have never met him, so I'm like 99.9% sure he isn't. I want you all to know that I'm not trying romanticize toxic/abusive behavior.

As always, thanks for reading the chapter! Please comment, vote, and share with your friends if you like it.


After a long afternoon of sitting alone I start banging on my door. I want to know what's going on. Harry kidnapped someone. That is way worse than my stupid ex-boyfriend cheating on me and my mom knowing. This person's life is now ruined. I am taking it upon myself to help this person out. I don't think Niall will ever let me go, but hopefully I can get this person out.

"HEY!" I yell as I bang on the door. "HEY! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!"

"Bloody hell, Francesca." I think Louis says.

"Open this damn door! I do not appreciate being locked up like a prisoner!" I bang on the door again, just for the hell of it.

"Niall, come get your girl. She is losing it." Louis talks normally. Is Niall in the hallway? "Niall says you are fine."

"Are you on the phone with him?" I ask.

"Yes. How else would I be talking with him?" Louis asks like I'm an idiot. How do I get out of this room and into the other wings of this house? I need to do it in a way where I won't get myself killed. I look around the room, but nothing inspires me. "Niall says to calm down and relax."

"Easy for you to say," I mutter.

The stress of this situation is messing with me. I walk across the room and into the bathroom. I decide to take a bubble bath. What else am I supposed to do? I fill the bathtub up with hot water and add bubbles. Once the bathtub is full I strip down. I take Niall's clothing off and slip into the tub. I tie my hair up into a messy bun. I tell myself to relax, but it seems impossible. I do the one thing that will help.









The bedroom door swings open and I realize I didn't grab a towel. I have no clue who is in my room, but I'm hoping it's a good guy.

"Where are you, my sweet little Fran-" Niall cuts himself off as he walks into the bathroom. His eyes go from the normal blue to dark with lust. "How is your bath?"

"I was told to relax and I'm trying. I can't do that with you in here." I try to say sweetly.

"Do you want me to leave?" Niall asks.

"What?" I ask in complete shock.

"Do you want me to leave the bathroom?" Niall glances down, but thankfully the bathtub is huge and I'm completely covered by bubbles.


"Okay, I just have one thing to show you." Niall pulls my phone out of his pocket.

He unlocks it and shows me my Instagram. There is a post from Bryce talking about how he is single AF and ready to mingle. Then my mom posted a picture of Bryce and I with some quote about true love.

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