Chapter Nine

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"What do we have here?" Louis asks as he walks farther into the kitchen.

"Nothing." What did he expect to find?

"Why aren't you running away? Niall gave you a few seconds." Louis looks at me surprised.

"Oh, I didn't even think about it." I wouldn't have stood a chance. I don't really feel like being hit today.

"How are you not thinking about it? You tried escaping the first day." Louis looks at me closely. "Are you feeling okay?"

"I just don't want to be punished." I whisper like the weak little girl I am.

"Stop being a scared little girl." Louis surprisingly says. This guy has hardly said anything to me before this. He usually drops off my food and leaves. "Start fighting back."

"Excuse me?" Does he want me to die? "Easier said than done. If I say one wrong thing, Niall will kill me."

"Be that girl we met a week ago." Louis shakes his head. "Oh fuck. It has only been a week and Niall has already ruined you. You won't last if you give up."

"Good. I don't want to last. I don't want to live each day scared. I have seen the storm in his eyes. I would rather die than live through him having a complete meltdown." I wouldn't survive.

"What are you saying?" Louis almost looks horrified. "Do you want to die?"

"Its better than being stuck here with five men that I know nothing about." I shake my head as tears start to fill my eyes. "I want to kill myself instead of having to force myself to have sex with a man, out of fear."

"You can't say that." Louis looks like he is on the verge of tears. "I have to tell Niall and he will put you on some kind of suicide watch. Fannie, you have to fight to live. Niall wants to give you that freedom. All he is asking is for you to listen to him."

"He is a psychopath. You all seem to think that him and I are meant to be together. I don't know him." I shake my head.

"Niall has had a hard life, hell, we all have. You have brought Niall back to life. None of us want that gone." Louis explains, but I am so confused.

I yell, "I DON'T KNOW HIM!"

"But he knows you." Louis says like its obvious.

"No he doesn't and you don't. You know small facts about me." I stare at Louis and realize something. "I can't save him from whatever it is you want me to save him from. I can't and I won't. I have my own life to deal with."

"A life you want to end." Louis points out.

"Only if I'm stuck here." There is no point in beating around the bush.

"You are stuck here so you might as well make the most of it." Louis leans back. "We are your family now if you like it or not."

"Not," I bite out.

I hear footsteps and Niall walks into the kitchen. He looks at Louis and then at me.

"Whoa, what's going on?" Niall turns and asks Louis.

"Your bird just admitted to wanting to commit suicide." Louis crosses his arms over his chest.

My mouth drops open. Should I be offended that he called me a bird? I kind of am. Also, what the hell? I didn't think he was going to actually tell Niall.

"What?" Niall's head slowly turns towards me. "Are you being serious?"

"I was just trying to prove a point. I wouldn't actually kill myself." I roll my eyes. Trying to portray a person who hasn't thought about suicide. "I'm fine."

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