Chapter Thirty- Seven

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Niall P.O.V

"DAMN IT!" I yell.

"Don't worry. We will get this figured out." Louis tries to comfort me by saying this, but he doesn't know what I'm looking at.

"How are you going to figure this out?" I ask Louis as I show him my screen.

I watch the screen closely. You can only see the woman from the back. The man though? You can see him perfectly. I could pass him on the street and would be able to recognize him. This guy who is currently making out with Francesca, my Francesca, looks familiar. Who is he? Even though you can't see the woman Louis knows its Francesca. By the way he is looking at me he does not approve of my antics.

"What the hell is this Niall?" Louis asks shocked and frustrated.

They don't know that I installed cameras and microphones into Francesca's place. My only goal since I met her was to keep her safe.

"What?" I ask innocently.

"You left her after you forced her to come with you. You don't get to do this. You don't get to flip her life upside down two different times and then get mad when she tries to fix it." Louis shakes his head. "You had her and let her go. You don't get to do this."

"I get to do whatever the hell I want." I hold back a scream, because I know Louis is right. "She is mine. No one else gets to touch her or have her."

"Look at what you have done. We told you not to mess with her. I didn't think it was possible, but you broke her. Let her go." Louis stares down at my phone.

I look back down at it and watch as a topless Francesca cries on the couch. The man who was making out with her sneaks out of her flat as she falls apart. One second she was ripping off her clothes and the next second she is crying.

"FUCK!" I throw my phone across the room.

"You could have had it all," Louis mutters.

Not wanting to hear any of this I turn to Louis and throw a punch. I nail him in the jaw. Louis grunts, but lunges at me. Both of us throwing punches not caring where they land. We want to hurt each other, but we don't want to cause permanent damage. We fight the way brothers' fight. We end up on the ground wrestling. Swear words and grunts fill the room. Neither of us is going to quit. He is fighting for Francesca and that eggs me on. I want his punches to cause more pain than they are.

Out of the blue the security system goes off. High pitch ringing blasts through all the speakers. The lights start to flash red. Louis and I pause confused. Did we set this off?

"GET MOVING!" Harry yells from a hallway. "THEY ARE HERE!"

Louis and I jump up a little worse than wear. We walk out of the conference room and down the stairs. We meet Harry, Liam, and Zayn.

"What do you mean they are here?" I ask over the alarms.

"Alex's family is here." Harry says simply.

Fuck. This is what I was protecting Francesca from. I knew there would be a war between our families, but I didn't think it would be this soon. However, we are prepared. We have been training every day since I left Francesca.

I wanted to fight that night, but George told me not to. He told me to wait. The smart thing for Alex's family was to let this go. Alex had been harassing me for months before he died. The right thing for his family to do was to let this feud fade out. They want to fight my family, because they think we are weak. Smaller than any other mafia, but we have connections to other mafias. We are better trained. By the time we get done with them, there will be nothing left of them.

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