T-Rex Breakout Part 2

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~readers pov ~

The Rex was moving towards Tim and Lex's car I stared in horror this cannot be happening it just can't be.

I would feel so sorry for Hammond if his grandchildren died of this horrible fate.

As the Rex stopped and looked forward beyond the car I saw Tim reach his hand out to close the driver door and this caused the Rex to look down on them with it growling as an extra.

"I hope the Rex doesn't kill them" I said in horror.

"Don't worry they will be alright just as long as they don't bring a lot of attention to themselves" dad explained.

I still kept looking forward towards them.

All I could here next was the roar of the Rex and to my horror it started to bang its head hard against the car.

Ian looked forward speechless he didn't want to say anything at this point.

Tim and Lex still had the light on in the car and Tim was trying to turn it off and Lex was fighting with him on how to turn it off.

But then all the sudden the Rex roared loudly and its head went through the glass top of the car I watched in horror as Lex and Tim were struggling to keep the Rex from killing them.

The Rex gave up for a second.

I almost felt relief for a second but not to soon.

Ian wiped the car window because it was getting foggy.

I screamed in horror as the car was tipped over with the kids inside.

"Oh my god!" I yelled.

Ian looked at me like I was crazy he saw I was really worried with this.

I know I'm not related to those kids but I can't let human beings die especially if they have a long life ahead of them.

The Rex was ripping the top of the car apart, it started to tear the tire apart.

Dad looked at me.

"Hand me a flare quick" he said I quickly went to the back of the car and grabbed a flare from a box that also had a big flashlight.

I handed dad the flare.

"If I don't come back I love you (Y,N) and also Ian please take care of her" Dad said and he got out of the car while he ignited the flare.

The Rex had the tire ripped up in its mouth as it roared into the night.

My dad was walking forward towards the other wrecked up car with the flare in hand.

"Hey!" He yelled and the Rex roared at him.

Dad started to move the flare back and forth but then a the sudden he threw the flare into the jungle through the fence that the Rex had broken out of.

Ian got a flare out and I looked at him in horror.

"Ian please no don't go" I pleaded in a scared look.

He pulled me into a kiss and I kissed back I didn't want this kiss to end.

He pulled away.

"I love you (Y,N) " Ian said as he ignited the flare and opened the car door.

"Hey hey hey!!!" Ian yelled as he waved the flare.

"Ian freeze!" Dad yelled.

"Get the kids!! I will distract it!!!! Get the kids!!" Ian yelled as he held the flare really high up in the air.

Dad ran towards the car.

I had my eyes focused on Ian.

He was running to where Gennaro was hiding the bathroom.

The Rex was right behind him I was too scared at this point to even do anything but I didn't want dad to yell at me.

Dad was getting the kids out of the car carefully so he didn't hurt them.

Ian was lifted up into the air and the bathroom got torn apart and I screamed.

"Ian!!!" I yelled as I started to cry.

Gennaro was sitting on the toilet he didn't know what to do but he kept moving.

He fixed his hair and was breaking hard.

The Rex looked confused on what Gennaro was doing.

"No! No!" Gennaro yells but it's too late the Rex grabbed a hold of his upper half and started flinging him back and forth.

Ian was buried under some of the remains of the building I was hoping he was still alive.

I looked at my dad and he already had Lex out from the car wreckage.

She was on her knees and looked up as the Rex closed in and she screamed.

My dad was quick and put his hand over his mouth.

His hat was blown off of his head.

The Rex roared and started to turn the car wreckage.

The Rex was still hungry you could tell or it just wanted to hurt people.

I could hear the screams of the children in the background.

I could only imagine how much pain and how scared they must be in.

Both Lex and my dad were at the edge of the broken down fence dad grabbed one of the cable lines and started to head downwards.

I was confused and worried on what he was doing.

The Rex was pushing the car towards the edge of the big drop.

Tim was screaming in the background.

The car went over the edge and I don't know what happened to my dad or Lex I just hope they didn't fall.

The Rex roared loudly in a proud way.

I however stayed hidden in the car I didn't want to be next.

The Rex was walking away from the scene you could tell because the ground that was once shaking became low and quiet.

I peeked out of the window and the Rex was nowhere in sight.

I slowly opened the door but didn't close it I didn't want to cause attention to the Rex only because I know it could come back.

I ran over to where Ian was and started to go through the rummage.

"Ian? Ian?" I asked quietly hoping for an answer.

I heard him groaning.

And I started to make my way towards him.

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