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I looked at Ian with worry in my eyes as Hammond was about to disinfect my wound, I knew it was about to hurt like a bitch.

Ian held me close to him and said.

"Shhh look at me it's alright" He said to calm me down.

"Alright 1 2 3" Hammond warned.

He struck me with the most pain I've ever felt, I screamed bloody murder.

Ian held my hand as I squeezed his tightly.

My tears with coming down like crazy.

The burning sensation wouldn't go away quickly.

I wanted it to stop so badly.

I was about to pass out when I could hear the sound of a phone ringing in the distance.

Hammond walked over to it slowly and Ian looked confused.

Hammond picked the phone up.

"Grant" he says.

"Are the children Alright?" He asks.

Then all the sudden he yells into the phone while gun noises could be heard.

"Don't!!" He yells.

I look at Ian in horror as I was still panting from the pain I was feeling in my side.

I still had the rag I was struck with a couple of minutes ago.

Hammond ringed up another call I didn't know what for but I hope that he was calling for us the get rescued.

Ian kissed the top of my forehead slowly while mumbling sweet things to me.

I was calming down slowly.

"The helicopter is on its way as we speak, let's finish patching you up dear" he says as he walks forward.

Hammond got a needle and thread out from the medical supplies and attached the threat in the needle.

"This may hurt" he warns as he slowly sticks a needle into my arm.

I scream in pain as this happens.

I squeezed Ian's hand harder.

I could feel the needle and thread going through me slowly and painfully I wanted Hammond to stop but I know I needed to heal.

I had to endure every amount of pain in my arm right now.

I was starting to feel faint as I was not use to the amount of blood I lost.

Hammond put the last stich in and cut the thread I was heavily breathing in relief.

I was also sweating a lot too.

I could feel Ian rubbing my back gentle.

"You did great and it's over now" he says as he gives me a kiss.

I kisses back.

Hammond pulled out some bandages and started to wrap them around my arm carefully.

I sighed in relief.

"T-thank you.." I stuttered out the words.

Hammond smiled and said your welcome back to me.

"We need to leave all of us, the hell could be here any moment" Hammond says.

Me and Ian both agree and I got off the table I was put on with Ian.

I looked at Ian and saw that he would be a tough one to try and walk all the way there.

Ian Malcolm x Dr. Grant's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now