Baby Dinosaurs

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As we made it to where we needed to be I looked up at the sky and saw that a lot of clouds seem to be popping up I looked over to Muldoon and said.

"Is their a chance of a storm happening around here?" I asked.

"Yes their is but it shouldn't be here by now it was suppose to arrive at the beginning of the week" he said.

We arrived to where we were it was a nursery for baby dinosaurs that just came out of their eggs but are able to walk and eat on their own.

I was the first to walk in and once I did I saw a little baby Stegosaurus its eyes were so cute I couldn't almost handle it.

"Is this the only one here?" I asked.

"Yes I'm afraid so it seems that most of the babies went into the wild with their parents " muldoon said.

I gently put my hand on the baby Stegosaurus's head and she closed her eyes and made a cute little squeak.

I smiled lovingly and said "good girl" .

"This one is the sweetest baby I've ever seen" I said.

As I was petting the baby Stegosaurus I heard Muldoon's radio make a static noise and Muldoon ran over to it and answered it.

" hello Muldoon speaking"


"Alright sir we will be there in a little"


"Yes sir Grant's daughter is with me we are at the nursery looking at the baby dinosaurs "


"Alright be there soon "

After that he hung it up and walked over to me and said.

"Sorry lass but we have to cut this part short Hammond wants us back because he is going to start the tour of the park soon" he said and I nodded in understanding.

I gave the Stegosaurus a gently kiss on the head and smiled and walked out and got into the jeep with Muldoon and we road off.

As we were driving back to the Visitor center I looked up at the sky and noticed the storm must be coming in pretty fast and my dad knows I have a  back phobia of water or rain.

"You know lass your dad should be very proud to have a kid like you" Muldoon said and I looked over at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

He looked over to me and smiled and put the jeep into a stop for a second.

"I mean this" he said as he pulled me in and kissed me on the lips my eyes went wide and I pulled back fast blushing deeply.

"Sorry I couldn't help it your just so beautiful I can't believe it " he said and he started the jeep and started to drive again.

I was silent all the way to the Visitor center and once we were there I saw 3 weird looking cars pulled up to the Visitor center.

The jeep came to a stop and I got out fast and ran over to my dad and gave him a tight hug.

"Hey there Ashley" he said as he hugged me back lovingly and that caused me to smile.

"Ah Ashley good to see you again I see you met Muldoon". Hammond said.

"Yes i did and he is a really nice person " i said with a smile.

"Ah yes well very good come tho I have someone I would like you to meet." Hammond said and i followed him.

He showed me his two grandchildren one was a little boy and the other was a teenage girl they both looked excited to be here.

"This is my young grandson Tim, and my oldest granddaughter Lex and kids this is Dr. Grant's daughter Ashley" Hammond said and I smiled.

"Its nice to meet the daughter of the one and only Grant" Tim said and I smiled.

" nice to meet you both" I said with a smile.

"Alright everyone off you go time is a wasting" Hammond said and we all got into the 3 cars.

I got in a car with Malcolm of course and Ellie and my dad got their own and the kids and Gennaro have their own.

It was nice to finally have sometime to actually talk with Malcolm especially now that me and him are a couple now.

"Don't these cars need a driver ?" Malcolm asked.

I looked confused by that as well and before I knew it the car started with a jerk and I accidentally bumped my head on the seat.

"God dammit" I said as I rubbed my head.

Malcolm brought me close to him and gave me a kiss on the head.

"Their all better" he said with a smirk.

"Thank you" I said as I stuck my tongue out at him.

I looked out the window and I saw Muldoon staring me down I looked away and tried not to cause attention.

We passed through some thick jungle you could hardly tell where the road is.

I saw a huge door that said Jurassic park on it and I tolled Malcolm and he saw it and said.

"What do they have in there? King Kong?" He asked.

"Very funny " I said with a laugh.

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