Waking Up

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~Readers pov~

In my mind I was thinking is this really happening? I've always thought that when I think the situations I'm in are next to impossible.

I kept thinking that this was all a dream or nightmare but I have to realize it's as real as can be.

All I remember before blacking out was that I heard Muldoon yelling for help along with Ellie helping Muldoon carry me.

Ian was yelling in the background but I didn't hear what he got to say.

My eyes slowly opened up I was met with some light coming through a window.

My eyes were fully opened and I could see where I was I was in the infirmary.

I looked down at my side and could see that my injury was all fixed and bandaged up carefully.

I felt it only sting a little.

I sat up carefully and I was lying on a bed so I adjusted the pillow more to where I could sit up more easier.

I sighed deeply as the stinging went away.

I could hear people outside the door talking about something.

I couldn't tell who it was at first.

I was also wondering where is Ian at I wanted to know if he was alright or not I needed to know if he was still alive.

I was lost in my train of thought when I heard the door open.

I looked that way and could see that it was the fucking asshole that kissed me.

It was fucking Muldoon.

He closed the door and walked over to me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"It stings.." I said quietly.

He looked at the bandage carefully and made sure that no other remains of blood was coming out.

"Your wound was almost infected you know (Y,N) and we also had a hard time saving you from the clutches of death itself" Muldoon said to me.

I was silent for a bit.

"You had us all worried there" He said.

"Where is Ian?" I asked.

"In the control room with the others" he said.

"Why did you want to know?" He asked.

I was even more silent.

He realized what the situation was.

"Ah I see you two are a couple...what a shame I was starting to like you.." he said as he rubbed his hand against my cheek.

I bit his hand and hissed.

He grunted in pain.

"Your a bad girl you know" he smirked.

I had enough of this so I decided to scream for someone.

"ELLIE HELP!!!" I yelled because I knew that I saw Ellie before Muldoon closed the door.

I kept yelling but Muldoon put his hand tight over my mouth.

I struggled against his grip as tears came to my eyes.

I heard the door jolt open and I was thankful for that.

Ellie stood there wide eyed at the sight.

"I demand that you let her go otherwise we will have this matter discussed with Hammond" Ellie said in a pissed off tone.

Muldoon did as he said he didn't want the risk of getting fired for this.

I whimpered.

"Ellie keep him away from me I want to be with Ian" I whimpered out.

Ellie came over to me and helped me up carefully.

"Good thing we have a wheel chair for this in here" Ellie said as she helped me in it.

Muldoon already left the room he was scared of Ellie.

"He didn't touch you in any way did he?" Ellie asked.

"He almost did.." I said quietly as she started to take me out of the room.

"Are you and Ian a thing?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Yes ma'am and my dad knows about it too" I said.

"Does he approve of this?" She asked.

"Yes he does" I said proudly.

"You two look like a good couple you know" Ellie says as she laughs a little.

"Have you found my dad or Lex and Tim?" I asked.

She looked down at me sadly.

"No I'm afraid not I hope soon because I wouldn't be able to live without Alan or those 2 kids dying it would break both mine and Hammond's heart for that matter" Ellie explained and I looked down sadly.

We made it to the control room and Ellie knocked on the door and it opened.

She pushed me into the room and when I saw Ian I lit up with joy.

He saw me too and he was as happy as ever he already had a lot of bandages on his leg along with a cast looking thing.

Ellie rolled me over to him.

Hammond saw me arrive along with one of Hammonds associates.

"Ah (Y,N) I see that you are alive and well rested, how are you feeling?" Hammond asks me as I look at him.

"I feel like shit Hammond I actually kinda blame thing outcome on you for the time beinging" I said seriously and Ellie put me beside Ian.

I looked up at him and he also had his shirt opened up to reveal his abs and muscles.

I blushed a little.

He smirked and pulled me up to him a little and we kissed.

It was a passionate kiss.

I grunted as the stinging went up again.

I sat back down carefully.

Hammond was silent for a bit after what I said to him.

Ian held my left hand in his right hand and I sighed.

I felt relieved that Ian was alright but I wanted to know what my dad and those kids were up to.

I just wanted them to come back alive and not harmed at all.

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